
🗄️ Reading list

This in my public todo-list, so it's constantly changing and things are moving around.

I also maintain a goodreads profile, where I rate/review books.

Table of Contents

[B] Books read

TODO [B] [2019-01-06] Books like Borges and Ted Chiang : suggestmeabook read

I greatly enjoyed Borges' work. I also like Georges Perec, especially Life: A User's Manual
Gene Wolfe: Peace is maybe his best book IMO if you are hesitant to read something as long as the Solar Cycle
  • [2019-02-27]

    The entire block is primarily presented frozen in time, on June 23, 1975, just before 8 pm, moments after the death of Bartlebooth. Nonetheless, the constraints system creates hundreds of separate stories concerning the inhabitants of the block, past and present, and the other people in their lives. The story of Bartlebooth is the principal thread, but it interlinks with many others.

[2019-06-26] gwern recommends it too read

TODO [B] [2019-09-02] Searching stories with super intelligence in humans theme | /r/scifi read

Love and recommend "Brainchild" just for this. Explores multiple different angles of what we call intelligence.

TODO [B] [2020-02-07] What are the best unknown books you have read? | Ask HN read

Among technical books, books by Cornelius Lanczos are some of the best (less popular) books I've read. Some quotes from his "The Variational Principles of Mechanics":
From the Preface:
Many of the scientific treatises of today are formulated in a half-mystical language, as though to impress the reader with the uncomfortable feeling that he is in the permanent presence of a superman. The present book is conceived in a humble spirit and is written for humble people.
From Chapter 8:
Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. -- EXODUS III, 5

STRT [C] [2018-09-22] флоучарт для выбора НФ-книг по куче разных критериев read

DONE Diaspora by Greg Egan read

DONE Rendesvous with Rama read

DONE Blindsight read

TODO [C] Pattern recognition by Gibson read

TODO [D] Return from the Stars by Lem read

STRT [C] Fredkin, Digital Philosophy read

  • Why is it true that mathematics is so good at modeling processes in the physical sciences?
  • Everything fundamental is assumed to be atomic or discrete; and thereby so is everything else.
  • The principle of simplicity has driven us to reluctantly make a decision—in this paper DP is a particle model and all processes in DP are consequences of the motions and interactions of particles.

TODO [2021-05-26] could restore timestamp from arbtt? read

TODO [C] [2018-06-10] Yuri Krupenin’s books on Goodreads read

TODO [C] [2019-01-18] read the road to reality (Woit's recommendation) readphysics

His remarkable book The Road to Reality4 gives an extensive overview of theoretical physics, largely from the point of view of general relativity rather than particle physics
, and can be consulted for a summary of the main ideas of twistor theory
from Not Even Wrong: The Failure of String Theory and the Search for Unity in Physical Law for Unity in Physical Law

CNCL [B] [2019-11-03] "God Shaped Hole by Zero HP Lovecraft" read

How sci-fi should be done in 2019. You may not agree with the moral thrusts (I don't, at times), but the work is undeniably imaginative; an enchanted dream, refreshing in the age of shattered illusions. And don't miss the maze of secondary material!

STRT [C] . Metzinger's Being No One99 is the toughest book I've ever read (and there are still significant chunks of it I haven't), but it also contains some of the most mindblowing ideas I've encountered in fact or fiction. read

CREATED: [2019-06-22]

from Blindsight by Peter Watts

TODO [B] [2019-01-24] Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science: Michael Nielsen: 9780691160191: Books readnielsen

TODO [B] QED and the Men who Made it” by Sam Schweber. recommendation from Tong readqed

CREATED: [2019-02-24]

For more details on the history of quantum field theory, see the excellent book “QED and the Men who Made it” by Sam Schweber.

STRT [B] (1) Arula Ratnakar (@arulaartwork) / Twitter Read clarkesworld read

CREATED: [2019-05-28]

TODO [B] Tweet from Arula Ratnakar (@arulaartwork), at Sep 25, 23:08 read

CREATED: [2019-09-25]
Oh my gosh! My story is a "Recommended Story" in this magazine column! And a lovely review as well! This made my day! 😊

TODO [B] [2019-10-19] Different Worlds | Slate Star Codex read

People curious to know more about these kinds of things should be aware that there’s a large literature on these topics. A sort-of-okay-ish book on related topics is Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior. It covers a wide variety of ways in which different people behave differently or interpret behaviour differently. One of the main things I learned from that book is that there are a lot of ways in which people are different (many more than I’d have thought), and everybody will likely have a lot of ‘blind spots’ in terms of these things because there are just so many ways in which people vary that it’s very difficult to spot all of them and keep them in mind, even if you know about their existence.

TODO [B] Dyson’s book Disturbing the Universe had had a major impact on me as a teenager, for the sparkling prose as much as for the ideas. read

[B] [2020-03-13] Saga Press on Twitter: "🚨COVER REVEAL🚨 The Year’s Best Science Fiction Vol.1 cover is here! This anthology is a must-have collection of the best short sci-fi and speculative fiction of 2019. And we have ANOTHER sneak peek for you! Also check out the Table of Contents! ✨ Out this September!" / Twitter read

The Year’s Best Science Fiction Vol.1 cover is here! This anthology is a must-have collection of the best short sci-fi and speculative fiction of 2019.
And we have ANOTHER sneak peek for you! Also check out the Table of Contents!

TODO [B] [2019-05-03] So i want to get into SciFi - mostly Short Storys… /r/printSF read

If you liked Ted Chiang, then I assume you like hard sf.
I recommend to check out: Greg [Egan](, Alastair [Reynolds]( and Peter [Watts](
I linked to short stories online, but they all have paper collections as well.

TODO [C] [2019-10-02] Shtetl-Optimized » 2014 » June plato at the googleplex read

Namely, Rebecca Newberger Goldstein—who’s far and away my favorite contemporary novelist—published a charming new book entitled Plato at the Googleplex: Why Philosophy Won’t Go Away.

STRT [B] [2019-10-24] Greg Egan on Twitter: "@johncarlosbaez @antiselfdual @thephysicist137 I wrote a short story, “Transition Dreams”, which concludes that almost all experience goes unremembered." / Twitter read

I wrote a short story, “Transition Dreams”, which concludes that almost all experience goes unremembered.

[2020-08-24] ok, it's in luminous. reread? read

  • [2020-08-24] also would be nice for to dump chapter names read

STRT [B] [2020-05-04] The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect by Roger Williams | Goodreads read

As a child, I tried to figure out how to start with a grain of sand and end up with a working computer. Today, I'm a computer programmer who creates custom systems for heavy industry. Somewhere along the way, I became interested in the question of just how far the human mind can go, assuming a sufficiently advanced technology. Maybe sometimes...a little too far. I am the author of THE METAMORPHOSIS OF PRIME INTELLECT and several short stories in the Mortal Passage series -- including "Mortal Passage" itself, a novelette recently republished in Volume #5 of the science fiction magazine, Bull Spec. (

TODO [B] X The following are excerpts from Freeman Dyson‘s beautiful essay “Field Theory”, written in 1953, as presented in his book From Eros to Gaia read

TODO [C] [2019-11-22] ⟨𝜙∣𝜑⟩ (@weirdnik) / Twitter read

“The Electric State” by @simonstalenhag
 is one of the best science fiction books in existence.

TODO [C] . In my follow-up book Shadows of the Mind,1 I responded to all these criticisms in some detail and provided a number of new arguments to counter these criticisms. readpysiscs

CREATED: [2019-05-12]
from The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics (Popular Science) by Penrose, Roger

TODO [C] [2018-11-25] The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self by Thomas Metzinger | Goodreads read

[C] [2019-06-26] Альфина’s books on Goodreads (122 books) read

TODO [C] Tweet from 𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 (@gwern), at Jun 22, 20:10 read

CREATED: [2019-06-22]
Have I mentioned lately that Borges is one of my favorite authors ever since I was a little kid? Few authors have grown up with me so well.

[C] [2019-06-15] Anyone else loves Greg Egan? What do you think is his best work? /r/rational read

His best books for me are _Schild's Ladder_ and _Diaspora_. The first chapter of _Diaspora_ was originally published as a short story and is available online as ["Orphanogenesis"](
I would be careful about _Distress_, the first chapter was really disturbing and it doesn't lighten up all that much. It's really good, just, pushes boundaries about personhood and bodily integrity. And of course has an underpinning of weird physics, like always...
_Quarantine_ - there's like three or four stories in this one, all entangled together. The primary arc really plays wicked games with the Copenhagen Interpretation, taking it way literally.
["Riding the Crocodile"]( and _Incandescence_ take us to a galaxy that's as far beyond the world of _Schild's Ladder_ as they are beyond us, but where people are still people no matter how much of what defines us has become optional.
["Dust"]( and _Permutation City_ combine strange physics and strange computational neurology in odd ways. A large part of the story involves an experiment that Egan later decided was horribly unethical, and he returns to it with a whole different viewpoint in ["Crystal Nights"](

TODO [C] Tweet from Greg Egan (@gregeganSF), at Aug 9, 23:24 read

CREATED: [2019-08-10]

@arula_artwork @robinhouston "Dichronauts" is just the geometry of special relativity applied to 3 dimensions that the protagonists see as space. Everything about that is explained in a few short web pages. "Orthogonal" took 80K words of supplementary material to explain fully ... so that's how they compare.

TODO [C] [2019-08-18] sindresorhus/awesome-scifi: Sci-Fi worth consuming read

TODO [C] [2019-10-09] Sean Carroll, "Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime", 2019 read

Я "джва года ждал" (с) ее выхода. Когда эта книга уже была готова, и до выхода оставалась пара дней, автор выпустил серию своего подкаста, где за пару часов практически пересказал все содержание, может даже еще лучше, чем в самой книжке. Рекомендую ту серию послушать, она взрывает мозг и делает это несколько раз. В книжке у него примерно все то же, но более подробно. Последовательно излагается многомировая интерпретация (MWI), показывается, почему она самая простая и прямая. Что это "суровая квантовая механика" - что получается, если брать чисто формулы и их предсказания за содержание, не добавляя никаких дополнительных постулатов вроде коллапса волновой функции, различия между квантовым и классическим мирами и т.п. Недавно широко известная в узких кругах теорфизики Sabine Hossenfelder сперва похвалила эту книжку Кэрролла, а потом отдельным постом попыталась объяснить, в чем ее претензии к многомировой интерпретации, но у меня так и не получилось ухватить ее мысль, даже после некоторых ее уточнений в комментариях

TODO [C] [2019-10-09] Adam Becker, "What Is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics", 2018. read

Click-baity заголовок долго меня отпугивал от этой книжки, но после явной наводки Кэрролла я все же решил ее открыть. И скажу вам, это лучшая книга, что я вообще читал/слушал в этом году, и может быть не только в этом. Книга не топит ни за одну конкретную интерпретацию (в отличие от явного эвереттиста Кэрролла), не дает окончательных ответов (увы), зато очень здорово рассказывает историю развития взглядов, идей и интерпретаций за последние 115 лет. Все основные персонажи - Планк, Эйнштейн, Бор, Гейзенберг, Шредингер, фон Нейман, Бом, Уилер, Эверетт, Белл, Дойч, Zeh, Zurek и пр. - показаны очень живыми и конкретными людьми в конкретных исторических событиях, видно, как их идеи не возникали из воздуха, а рождались в интересной борьбе на фоне других важных событий, часто не относящихся напрямую к науке.

TODO [C] Tweet from michaelnielsen (@michaelnielsen), at Jan 23, 02:43 sagan cosmos read

CREATED: [2020-01-23]
Related: I've been rereading Carl Sagan's book "Cosmos" - another great transcendental narrative - and am wondering how it would be different if written in the first person plural (rather than singular)?

TODO [C] This is one reason I was glad to come across Reframing Superintelligence: Comprehensive AI Services As General Intelligence by Eric Drexler, a researcher who works alongside Bostrom at Oxford’s Future of Humanity Institute. This 200 page report is not quite as readable as Superintelligence; its highly-structured outline form belies the fact that all of its claims start sounding the same after a while. But it’s five years more recent, and presents a very different vision of how future AI might look. read

TODO [C] [2020-07-07] The Jaguar and the Fox - The Atlantic read

The Quark and the Jaguar

[C] [2020-02-07] The Network Revolution – confessions of a computer scientist (1982) is the ti… | Hacker News read

teddyh 18 days ago | parent | favorite | on: Ask HN: What are the best unknown books you have r...

The Network Revolution – confessions of a computer scientist (1982)¹ is the title which immediately springs to mind. I never see anyone else mention this book, but I liked it. One of the many interesting things it contains is an anonymized telling of what happened with Doug Engelbart and why, even after giving the dazzling “The Mother of All Demos”², the SRI company did not succeed in its grand plan for the future of computing.

It also talks a lot about very early Internet history, and gives the history of many things which I have not seen others reference, like Lee Felsenstein and Community Memory.

[C] [2019-12-06] What are some good sci-fi/fantasy short story collections? /r/printSF read

Just finished "The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories" be Ken Liu and it was marvelous. The stories each pulled me in, some brought me close to tears, while others left me pensive. It was just a great experience.
Previously I have enjoyed "Stories of Your Life and Others" and well as the new "Exhalation: Stories" both by Ted Chiang. Thought those were both great as well, and at this point I've come to appreciate short stories much more than I used to, so I was wondering if there is more like this out there, or if there is any short story collection that is dear to your heart that you could share with me?

[C] [2020-03-10] Open-sourcing Riskquant, a library for quantifying risk | Hacker News readsecurity

The relevant book for this is Measuring and Managing Information Risk: A FAIR Approach by Freund and Jones[0].
Both books are worth reading; Hubbard's influence on FAIR is noticeable and positive. FAIR has the advantage that it comes with a fairly built-out ontology for assembling data or estimates. The OP touches on the top level (Loss Event Magnitude and Loss Event Frequency), but the ontology goes quite deep and can be used at multiple levels of detail.

TODO [C] Tweet from @skdh read

CREATED: [2020-07-13]

@skdh: Finished reading @JimBaggott's new book "Quantum Reality" which was more interesting than I thought, given the number of popular science books about quantum mechanics I've read already. Very recommended; review to follow.

STRT [C] the man who loved only numbers readbiography

CREATED: [2020-08-24]

TODO [D] a clockwork orange read

CREATED: [2018-12-31]

TODO [D] [2019-05-03] 72 Upcoming SFF books that qualify for this year's Bingo : Fantasy read

TODO Five Short Stories (all hard mode) read

TODO Hexarchate Stories by Yoon Ha Lee, June 25 2019 read

TODO Meet Me in the Future by Kameron Hurley, August 20 2019 read

TODO Exhalation: Stories by Ted Chiang, May 7 2019 read

TODO Ignorance is Strength by Hugh Howey, Seanan McGuire, Carrie Vaughn, Scott Sigler, etc., February 20 2020 read

[D] [2019-05-26] Reach for Infinity Audiobook by Pat Cadigan - 9781501973970 | Rakuten Kobo read

 Reach for Infinity
 by Pat Cadigan, Aliette De Bodard, Greg Egan, Kathleen Ann Goonan, Ellen Klages, Karen Lord, Ken MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Linda Nagata, Hannu Rajaniemi, Alastair Reynolds, Adam Roberts, Karl Schroeder, Peter Watts
Narrated by Denice Stradling, Michael Orenstein, Courtney Patterson, Alex Wyndham, Vyvy Nguyen, Michael G. Welch

[D] [2019-05-26] Upgraded eBook by Neil Clarke - 9781890464318 | Rakuten Kobo read

by Neil Clarke, Greg Egan, Elizabeth Bear

STRT [D] [2018-11-26] Book similar to Daniel Keyes' Flowers for Algernon, Robert Silverberg's Dying Inside and Ted Chiang's Understand. : suggestmeabook read
 n a Sci-fi context, Solaris

A couple more that are removed from the works you describe in genre, but pivot around the transcendent, and meditate on the relationship between that which can be known, oneself, one's place in society, and the Absolute, are Housekeeping.

TODO [C] Feynman and Schwinger were both the same age and had read Dirac’s book when they were precocious teenagers, and read

CREATED: [2020-08-18]

from The Strangest Man by Graham Farmelo

TODO [B] [2020-10-22] Infinite Jest - Wikipedia read

hotz recommendation?

[C] [2020-09-07] Quantum Reality | Not Even Wrong read

Jim Baggott’s new book, Quantum Reality, is now out here in US, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the issues surrounding the interpretation of quantum mechanics.

TODO [B] [2020-11-24] Could we reboot a modern civilization without fossil fuels? (2016) | Hacker News readtoreadbookprepping

Ringworld goes into this topic quite a bit, so it was interesting to me to see that the author is an astrobiologist who wrote "The Knowledge", about restarting civilization from scratch

TODO [C] [2020-07-11] Sabine Hossenfelder on Twitter: "The paperback edition of my book "Lost in Math" is out now!" / Twitter read

The paperback edition of my book "Lost in Math" is out now!

[2020-12-14] Foundations of Math and Physics One Century After Hilbert | Azimuth readbook

Foundations of Math and Physics One Century After Hilbert

STRT [A] [2021-03-20] Accelerando - Wikipedia readtoread

TODO [B] [2021-03-14] Utopia for Realists - Wikipedia readtoread

The Case for a Universal Basic Income, Open Borders, and a 15-hour Workweek 

[C] [2021-04-19] neuromancer is a bit meh readbook

somewhat cliche, I guess it was cool years ago when it was released… but now it doesn't read as anything exciting
… just yet another cyberpunk setting, with some hackers, some cyberspace etc etc

TODO [D] [2019-01-17] Time in Powers of Ten: Natural Phenomena and their Timescales read

Gerard ‘t Hooft, Stefan Vandoren
In Time in Powers of Ten: Natural Phenomena and their Timescales, Nobel Laureate Gerard ‘t Hooft and theorist Stefan Vandoren, both of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, step back and forth in time from the minutest fractions of a second to the age of the universe and beyond. Observations range from the orbits and rotations of planets and stars, down to the decay times of atoms and elementary particles and back to geological time scales.

TODO [C] [2019-09-17] Most people know so little that if they were transported 200 years into the past, they wouldn't be able to invent anything any quicker. /r/Showerthoughts readtoread

This is the premise of Ryan North's recent book [How to Invent Everything: A Survival Guide for the Stranded Time Traveler](

TODO [B] [2021-01-27] Author most like Greg Egan? /r/printSF readtoread

Big Egan fan myself. I would recommend Accelerando by Charles Stross and Schismatrix by Bruce Sterling.

TODO [B] [2020-01-13] @litgenstein: In this text, by the way, Schwinger gives a very clear ~20 page summary of the history of the classical —> quantum transition readphysics

touching on their different theories of measurement, mathematical frameworks, the philosophy of the so-called “fundamental,” and so on

TODO [B] [2020-04-03] David R. MacIver on Twitter: "I'm going to try doing a bit more longform writing with half-formed thoughts on my notebook blog, as I've not been doing enough of it recently. Here's a thread for them as I write them." / Twitter read

I'm going to try doing a bit more longform writing with half-formed thoughts on my notebook blog, as I've not been doing enough of it recently. Here's a thread for them as I write them.

wow, lots of cool stuff here..

TODO [B] [2020-01-20] What's wrong with computational notebooks? - Austin Z. Henley read

TODO [B] [2020-04-15] Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come From a Century-Old Approach to Math. | Quanta Magazine readphysics

TODO [C] [2019-12-30] goodenough biography read

TODO [C] [2019-08-04] Here are a handful of languages intended for modeling, simulating, or designing physical systems readclimate

TODO [C] [2019-08-23] John McCarthy, Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Dies at 84 - The New York Times read

hmm, maybe read his biography?

TODO [C] [2019-09-21] hackerkid/Mind-Expanding-Books: Books that will blow your mind read

TODO [2019-12-31] ugh, need some sort of online commit history viewer read

TODO [C] [2019-12-10] Tweet from 𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫: I've written a mini-essay summarizing how I think causality & correlation work in the softer sciences, how experiments show correlation≠causation, and why we do a bad job at internalizing that read

STRT [C] [2019-08-11] What Does a Coder Do If They Can't Type? | Objective Funk read

TODO [C] [2020-03-31] Awesome risk quantification | Hacker News read

TODO [C] [2020-04-03] Extensions in Firefox 75 | Mozilla Add-ons Blog read

TODO [C] [2020-04-03] Hillel on Twitter: semantic benefits of sphinx/restructured text vs markdown readrst

I recently moved a large documentation project (>10k words) from github/markdown to sphinx/restructured text. It's now much easier to extend and modify! The syntax is a bit clunkier but the semantic benefits are _huge_. Let's go through some of the things I like!

STRT [C] [2019-09-21] @michael_nielsen: I had a terrible time choosing. Feynman. Bret Victor. Alexei Kitaev. David Deutsch. Vernor Vinge read

TODO [C] [2019-12-26] David Chapman on Twitter: Half a century later, Andy and I are approximately the only people in the world who write hypertext books read

Ted Nelson published Computer Lib / Dream Machines in 1974. I read it that year. It’s the incredible vision that specifically inspired the web—and it was about *books*.
Half a century later, Andy & I are approximately the only people in the world who write hypertext books.

TODO [C] [2019-09-26] @michael_nielsen: "How to manage information overload? What are the real bottlenecks?" readpkm

How to manage information overload? What are the real bottlenecks? How can we make vastly better computer note taking systems? Why haven't we gone beyond the file metaphor? How can we build better personal memory systems? Better collective memory systems? So many great problems!

TODO [C] [2019-08-18] @michael_nielsen: for the practice of science as recounted by practitioners, see the astonishing oral history site of the AIP read

Incidentally, for the practice of science as recounted by practitioners, see the astonishing oral history site of the AIP:
The Feynman interview is a great place to start - the interviewer, Charles Weiner, does a wonderful job.

TODO [C] [2020-01-15] read

STRT [C] [2019-10-18] A Road to Common Lisp | Lobsters readlisp

TODO [C] [2020-04-16] Jakob Schwichtenberg readphysics

TODO [C] [2020-05-03] Foundations by Greg Egan (1998) | Hacker News read

STRT [C] [2018-06-15] scott aaronson fav books read

TODO [B] Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science by Martin Gardner read

TODO [B] Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis by Paul Cohen read

TODO [B] Fashionable Nonsense by Alan Sokal and Jean Bricmont read

DONE [B] Logicomix by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos Papadimitriou read

TODO [C] The Beginning of Infinity by David Deutsch read

TODO [B] Arcadia by Tom Stoppard read

  • [2019-06-26]

    Arcadia is a 1993 play by Tom Stoppard concerning the relationship between past and present, order and disorder, certainty and uncertainty.
    It has been praised by many critics as the finest play from one of the most significant contemporary playwrights in the English language.
    the Royal Institution of Great Britain named it one of the best science-related works ever written

STRT [B] The Man Who Loved Only Numbers by Paul Hoffman read

TODO [B] An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory by Michael Kearns and Umesh Vazirani read

TODO [B] Disturbing the Universe by Freeman Dyson read

TODO [C] The First Three Minutes by Steven Weinberg read

TODO [C] The Autobiography of Charles Darwin by himself read

TODO [C] The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov (specifically, the middle third) read

TODO [C] The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins read

  • on blinkist

TODO [C] The Man Who Knew Infinity: Life of Ramanujan by Robert Kanigel read

TODO [C] Adventures of a Mathematician by Stanislaw Ulam read

[2019-06-26] he autobiography of mathematician Stanislaw Ulam, one of the great scientific minds of the twentieth century, tells a story rich with amazingly prophetic speculations and peppered with lively anecdotes. As a member of the Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1944 on, Ulam helped to precipitate some of the most dramatic changes of the postwar world. He was among the first to use and advocate computers for scientific research read

TODO [C] A Beautiful Mind by Sylvia Nasar read

TODO [C] The Road to Reality by Roger Penrose read

TODO [C] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig read

TODO [C] The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes read

TODO [D] The Subjection of Women by John Stuart Mill read

TODO [D] Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges read

TODO [D] The Book of Numbers by John Conway and Richard Guy read

TODO [D] Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems by Galileo Galilei read

TODO [D] Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by David Hume read

TODO [D] Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by himself read

TODO [D] The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain read

TODO [D] Altneuland by Theodor Herzl read

  • [2019-06-26] The Old New Land is a utopian novel published by Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism

TODO [D] The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism by Bertrand Russell read

TODO [D] How Children Fail by John Holt read

TODO [D] Gems of Theoretical Computer Science by Uwe Schöning and Randall Pruim read

TODO [D] Mathematical Writing by Donald Knuth, Tracy Larabee, and Paul Roberts read

TODO [D] The Princeton Companion to Mathematics edited by Timothy Gowers read

[2019-06-26] Edited by Timothy Gowers, a recipient of the Fields Medal, it presents nearly two hundred entries, written especially for this book by some of the world's leading mathematicians, that introduce basic mathematical tools and vocabulary; trace the development of modern mathematics; explain essential terms and concepts read

TODO [D] The Mind’s I by Douglas Hofstadter and Daniel Dennett read

[2019-06-26] The Mind's I: Fantasies and reflections on self and soul is a 1981 collection of essays and other texts about the nature of the mind and the self, edited with commentary by philosophers Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett read

DONE [B] The Mind-Body Problem by Rebecca Goldstein read – also recommends it here
and here

My favorite novel about mathematicians, Rebecca Goldstein’s The Mind-Body Problem, gets much of its mileage from this ancient connection.

DONE [B] What Is Life?: With Mind and Matter and Autobiographical Sketches by Erwin Schrödinger read

DONE Quantum Computing Since Democritus by Scott Aaronson read

DONE Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman by Richard Feynman read

DONE Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang read

DONE A Mathematician’s Apology by G. H. Hardy read

CNCL The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan read

CNCL Our Dumb Century by The Onion read

CNCL The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker read

CNCL Field Notes from a Catastrophe by Elizabeth Kolbert read

CNCL Infidel by Ayaan Hirsi Ali read

CNCL A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole read

CNCL Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitemore read

CNCL The Nili Spies by Anita Engle (about the real-life heroic exploits of the Aaronsohn family) read

CNCL Fear No Evil by Natan Sharansky read

STRT [D] Tweet from Dan Shipper: New superorganizers! — @mariepoulin shares one of the most impressive notion setups I've ever seen read

CREATED: [2020-01-21]

TODO [D] [2020-04-01] How To Build A Digital Zettelkasten - Superorganizers read

STRT [D] [2019-10-18] LOW←TECH MAGAZINE readsustainabilityenvironmentinspiration

TODO [D] [2019-10-22] A Complete Understanding is No Longer Possible (2012) | Lobsters read

There is a 1958 essay describing how a simple pencil is too complicated for any one person to create, and requires an economical system:

TODO [D] [2019-08-28] Presidential Election 2012 FAQ read

TODO [D] [2018-08-21] Overcoming Bias readrational

TODO [D] [2019-02-02] Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing by Henry Segerman Hardcover Book Free S | eBay readviz

TODO [D] [2019-07-18] Tweet from @karpathy: Autocompletion with deep learning, very cool! read

I tried related ideas a long while ago in days of char-rnn but it wasn't very useful at the time. With new toys (GPT-2) and more focus this may start to work quite well

TODO [D] [2019-08-23] OpenGPT-2: We Replicated GPT-2 Because You Can Too read

TODO [D] [2019-07-09] Tweet from @nplusodin: Ученые показали, что кусок стекла с правильно размещенными внутри неоднородностями может производить «вычисления» и распознавать рукописные цифры readcomputation

TODO [D] [2019-08-29] read

TODO [D] [2019-08-30] "What Is Transhumanism?" - This site does a pretty thorough job of answering that question | /r/transhumanism read

maintained by a bunch of famous Transhumanists

TODO [D] [2018-09-03] read

DONE [B] [2020-03-09] Most of What You Read on the Internet is Written by Insane People - LessWrong 2.0 read

DONE [C] Dirac biography? read

CREATED: [2019-12-02]

DONE [2020-04-29] paul dirac the strangest man readbiography

(from PBS Space TIme guy)

STRT [B] The reader may also find it interesting to look at the popularizations by the inventors of these theories: Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg and Schrödinger have all written introductions to their work for the layper read

CREATED: [2019-02-21]

from Three Roads to Quantum Gravity

[2019-10-19] not sure what's up with bohr read

[2020-06-04] I don't know these books but here is one by Bohr read

I don't know these books but here is one by Bohr:
One reviewer writes "Bohr must be the worst writer in the history of the written word" - sounds true, there's a famous paper where he left out some sentences, it didn't make sense, but nobody noticed.

[2020-06-04] Quantum Mechanics by Schwinger read

[2020-06-04] This seems like a nontechnical book by Heisenberg read
I guess I should read it sometime!   3/3

TODO [B] [2020-10-06] Science Fiction Stories with Good Astronomy and Physics: A Topical Index read

DONE [C] [2019-07-23] Richard Feynman - Session V | American Institute of Physics readbiography

Oral History Interviews
Interviews that offer unique insights into the lives, works, and personalities of modern scientists

[C] [2020-05-30] marklwatson on Twitter: "free update for the 6th edition of my book "Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer's Secret Weapon" released today: - New chapter on Knowledge Graph Navigator - More material on Common Lisp and Python interop - Many small changes and corrections" / Twitter readlisp

free update for the 6th edition of my book "Loving Common Lisp, or the Savvy Programmer's Secret Weapon" released today:

- New chapter on Knowledge Graph Navigator
- More material on Common Lisp and Python interop
- Many small changes and corrections

TODO [C] 𝔊𝔴𝔢𝔯𝔫 on Twitter: "Several times in the past few weeks I or an acquaintance read something awesome only to realize we'd read it years ago & simply forgot! Another use for 'anti-spaced repetition' ( track great stuff &… read

TODO [C] Adam H Marblestone read

CREATED: [2019-11-18]

TODO [C] [2019-11-24] Biographical Memoirs Home read

TODO [C] [2019-12-20] [ACC] Is Eating Meat A Net Harm? | Slate Star Codex read

STRT [C] [2019-12-12] [ACC] Is Eating Meat A Net Harm? | Slate Star Codex readconsciousnessdietvegetarian

By contrast, fish do not have any neural architecture unique to the consciousness-related parts of the brain and are probably unable to feel fear or pain in the way a human would – we strongly encourage you to read this article in full to convince yourself of this claim. Although fish show pain-like responses to harmful stimulus and do so less if given painkillers, this is true even when the entire telencephalon (which includes the forebrain) is removed so on balance it is unlikely they are having a qualitative experience to accompany that response.

TODO [C] [2019-12-08] Alan Kay's reading list | Hacker News read

[C] [2020-04-13] Alien Life is Over-Hyped read

TODO [C] [2020-03-01] Post-Privacy: Prima leben ohne Privatsphäre | Start readgermanqs

TODO [C] Tweet from @preskill read

CREATED: [2020-07-02]

@preskill: Mathematician feels his oats:
"I am confident that mathematics of increasing
beauty and sophistication will find ways to manifest itself
in the physical realm. ... I believe this is
something worth celebrating."

[C] [2020-07-12] July 11, 2020 RIP my darling boy | Hacker News read

Take some time to read through Aaron's blog if you haven't: I'd recommend starting with his series of posts called Raw Nerve (

[C] [2020-06-30] Quantum suicide - RationalWiki read

TODO [C] [2020-06-30] Joscha Bach read

STRT [C] [2020-05-23] albertz/wiki: some useful information read

TODO [C] Tweet from @Plinz read

CREATED: [2020-07-22]

@Plinz: It is as if Chaitin, Solomonoff and Schmidhuber had never lived. Chaitin explains incompleteness as a problem of data compression:  proving means compressing a statement to its axioms. This requires an algorithm that gives a result in a finite time.

TODO [C] [2019-08-04] Ch 5 Page 35: Sustainable Energy - without the hot air | David MacKay readclimate

Let’s make clear what this means. Flying once per year has an energy
cost slightly bigger than leaving a 1 kW electric fire on, non-stop, 24 hours
a day, all year.

[C] [2020-08-19] Paul Dirac - Wikipedia read

Lectures on Quantum Mechanics (1966): Much of this book deals with quantum mechanics in curved space-time.
Lectures on Quantum Field Theory (1966): This book lays down the foundations of quantum field theory using the Hamiltonian formalism.
Spinors in Hilbert Space (1974): This book based on lectures given in 1969 at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA, deals with the basic aspects of spinors starting with a real Hilbert space formalism. Dirac concludes with the prophetic words "We have boson variables appearing automatically in a theory that starts with only fermion variables, provided the number of fermion variables is infinite. There must be such boson variables connected with electrons..."
General Theory of Relativity (1975): This 69-page work summarises Einstein's general theory of relativity.

STRT [C] [2019-02-13] The Third Triumvirate – Overthinking Overtime read

[C] [2020-11-17] What Gödel Discovered read

[C] [2020-03-05] Landmark computer science proof cascades through physics and math read

[C] [2020-09-13] Freeman Dyson’s letters offer another glimpse of genius read

TODO [C] [2020-10-21] FermiNet: Quantum Physics and Chemistry from First Principles | DeepMind read

[2021-01-20] Arula Ratnakar 🧠 💕 on Twitter: "I have 2 published sci-fi stories: "Insaan Hain, Farishte Nahin" & "Lone Puppeteer of a Sleeping City" They're pretty different but I hope they leave you w/ an appreciation for our beautiful brains & the realities they make for us!" / Twitter read

I have 2 published sci-fi stories: "Insaan Hain, Farishte Nahin" & "Lone Puppeteer of a Sleeping City" They're pretty different but I hope they leave you w/ an appreciation for our beautiful brains & the realities they make for us!

TODO [2020-12-27] There are a few that come to mind, but nothing I can think of as super recent. … | Hacker News read

True Names, Vernor Vinge:

[2020-12-29] Oliver Brown (@GalaxiaGuy): "For fans of the time mechanics in Tenet, consider reading Greg Egan's Orthogonal trilogy." | nitter read

For fans of the time mechanics in Tenet, consider reading Greg Egan's Orthogonal trilogy.

TODO [C] [2021-01-30] Nadia on Twitter: "Hi I wrote a book! It's called Working in Public, and it's the story of modern open source and its implications for online communities and the creator economy. Now available for pre-order on Amazon:" / Twitter readtoreadopensource

It's called Working in Public, and it's the story of modern open source and its implications for online communities and the creator economy.

TODO [C] [2021-01-20] Reflections on 2020 as an independent researcher | Andy Matuschak read

TODO [C] [2021-02-11] (1) Greg Egan on Twitter: "My new novella, “Light Up the Clouds”, is in the latest issue of @AsimovsSF" / Twitter read

My new novella, “Light Up the Clouds”, is in the latest issue of @Asimovs_SF

TODO [C] Interview with MichaelAtiyah and Isadore Singer read

TODO [C] @abakcus: Is Mathematics Invented or Discovered? | Nine Mind-blowing Interviews read

CREATED: [2021-02-11]
We have curated nine mind-blowing interviews with great mathematicians and physicists from @CloserToTruth. Make your coffee ready! It will be a 1 hour, 34 minutes journey! 😊

TODO [C] [2021-03-15] Python Language read

TODO [B] [2021-03-29] Ask HN: Works of fiction that have inspired you to solve programming problems? | Hacker News readtoread

TODO [B] [2021-04-24] Interviews — Greg Egan readtoread

STRT [D] [2019-04-22] Most Important Slate Star Codex Posts - Alexey Guzey read

TODO [C] Science Fiction Fantasy Book Reviews read

CREATED: [2020-08-08]

TODO [D] [2019-01-17] How To Actually Change Your Mind - Lesswrongwiki read

TODO [D] [2019-10-29] Our new guide to doing good with your career — 80,000 Hours /r/slatestarcodex read

TODO [D] [2019-10-19] Engelbart: "Augmenting Human Intellect" read

How can we use computers to change people's emotional experience?

TODO [C] [2019-12-20] Papert's Mindstorms is pretty good on this. reademotionslearning

in which he argues for the benefits of teaching computer literacy in primary and secondary education.

TODO [D] Ask HN: Quitting Big Tech, what is it like? | Hacker News read

STRT [D] [2019-12-23] Where Is My Mind? - Issue 79: Catalysts - Nautilus read

TODO [D] [2020-03-11] Seth Godin Hates Being Organized - Superorganizers read

TODO [B] [2021-01-27] Author most like Greg Egan? /r/printSF readtoread

The other hardest sci-if I have read is Manifold:Time by Stephen Baxter.

TODO [B] Tweet from @bengoertzel read

CREATED: [2021-05-10]
@bengoertzel: 1) @plinz here is a sketch of an argument against the Church-Turing Thesis in its standard interpretations.  I am sure it is not so original.   I am curious for your thoughts.  CT Thesis here is proxy for deeper philosophical issues ofc.
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