
Sleep tracking

Table of Contents

https://sleepjunkies.com/features/the-ultimate-guide-to-sleep-tracking/ qssleep

CREATED: [2018-03-01]

TODO professional: PSG (polysomnography), which includes qssleep

  • EEG
  • EOG (oculogram)
  • ECG
  • EMG (myogram)
  • oxygen levels
  • air flow
  • noise
  • blood pressure

typically, Fitbit, etc. misidentify wake as sleep and overestimage sleep time qssleep

STRT Emfit QS qssleep

emfit – bad reviews are just people not happy with price and EM radiaion
emfit qs – needs website?
ok emfit qs and qs active are the samething apparently

script for getting data https://forum.quantifiedself.com/t/beddit-vs-emfit-qs/1606/8

TODO oura ring for hr? https://ouraring.com/ qssleep

TODO [B] zmachine?? http://generalsleep.com/insight.html qssleepeeg

huh looks interesting. eeg apparently. however only available for research?
shit, price starts and 499 gbp…

TODO [C] [2018-07-12] dreem band? qssleepeeg

Dreem is the closest thing I've seen. It's slick but it's a bit pricier than the Zeo, $500.
eh, 499 usd??

eeg, accelerometer, breathing, pulse oxymeter qssleepeeg

CANCEL ResMed S + monitor qssleep

CANCEL beddit – works by ballistography qssleep

Accessing the Raw Data
Beddit has a feature to download raw data to a spreadsheet, which can be very useful for doing any detailed analysis. It even gives more advanced metrics like overnight Heart Rate Variability (HRV).

Beddit also has an API to access data, but currently only available for companies or research teams.

Compared to high-end sensors on the market (Emfit QS, ResMed S+), the Beddit stands up well.

CANCEL Withings Aura – apparently old version of nokia sleep qssleep

CANCEL Sense – shut down qssleep

CANCEL zeo – went bust.. qssleepeeg

I wish ResMed would make a new one. They bought up all the intellectual property from Zeo. Instead, they put out their useless contactless tracker and sat on the Zeo tech.
I use the Zeo mobile. You can still find it and the larger units on ebay.

CNCL [B] buy jawbone again? at least it measured something… qssleepjawbone

CREATED: [2018-03-01]

right, jawbone is liquidating, so guess not worth buying now
jawbone3 didn't even connect to my phone properly
nokia sleep? (igor shilov)
maybe beddit? Can't find good reviews though.

deck size 30-32 inches for surf training, versatile

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