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[D] [2020-01-24] The Only Ab Exercise you really need! - YouTube exercise

[D] [2020-01-24] How to Improve Active Pike Compression with Antranik - YouTube exercise

[D] [2020-01-24] Muscles Moving Your Bones - YouTube exercise

[D] [2020-01-24] How To: Plank - YouTube exercise

[D] [2020-01-24] How to Stretch your Hip Flexors (Quads/Psoas) with Antranik (Part 1) - YouTube exercise

[D] [2019-01-27] Increasing Flexibility from a Biomechanics PhD Candidate : bodyweightfitness exercise


Obviously the video focuses on muscle stretching, rather than stretching tendons and ligaments (fun fact: I also have super elastic skin!) and that's probably for good reason

[D] [2019-01-27] Increasing Flexibility from a Biomechanics PhD Candidate : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/9pmd25/increasing_flexibility_from_a_biomechanics_phd/ exercise

It doesn't impact gains, it temporarily reduces your maximal strength... for like 15 minutes.

[D] [2019-01-27] eshlow comments on How do static holds build strength and size compared to weightlifting? https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/5ieobq/how_do_static_holds_build_strength_and_size/db7vdbz/ exercise

Generally, 3 mechanisms for hypertrophy. Mechanical tension, muscle damage, metabolic stress.
Isometric holds are usually intense which is mechanical tension. If they're held for longer periods of time (usually 20-30+ seconds) you can accumulate metabolic stress.
Short holds are like low reps. They build strength near failure.
Long holds are like high reps. The build endurance.
Generally holds are used of as PART of a program, and the part of such a program will have other exercises that also stress the same muscle groups. So basically, you can program your holds like any other exercise for strength, hypertrophy, endurance, and so on.
That's a very brief synopsis.

TODO [D] [2019-01-27] Concept Wednesday - Isometric Training : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/2ngy7y/concept_wednesday_isometric_training/ exercise

[D] [2019-01-27] forearm vs regular plank : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/4p5cl0/forearm_vs_regular_plank/ exercise

the optimal plank (i.e., the plank the creates the most work for your muscles) is when your body is parallel to the (level) floor. Your body is closer to parallel with toes and forearms/elbows on the ground. You can achieve the same result by raising the feet and keeping hands on the ground. The closer to level your body is, the more work your core will do.

[D] [2019-01-27] Core 101: An Anatomical Guide to Training : Fitness https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/309ilj/core_101_an_anatomical_guide_to_training/ exercise

[D] [2019-01-27] Core 101: An Anatomical Guide to Training : Fitness https://www.reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/309ilj/core_101_an_anatomical_guide_to_training/ exercise

[D] [2019-01-27] What are the best exercises for ab hypertrophy? : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/77tipo/what_are_the_best_exercises_for_ab_hypertrophy/ exercise

Treat it like hypertrophy in any other lift.
Try to find an exercise - any exercise - that fatigues your abs (to the point of failure) in 8-15 reps (or for a static hold, something that you fail on after 30-60 seconds). Repeat for 3-5 sets. Once it gets too easy, find a way to make it hard enough that you fail again.

[D] [2019-01-27] What are the best exercises for ab hypertrophy? : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/77tipo/what_are_the_best_exercises_for_ab_hypertrophy/ exercise

[–]Bl4nkface 48 points 1 year ago 
In that case, dynamic movements are more effective. Hanging leg raises are one of the best exercises, but you could do V-ups or ab wheel rollouts. These exercises aren't that hard to do, so do them to failure to grow despite the lower intensity.

[D] [2019-01-27] What are the best exercises for ab hypertrophy? : bodyweightfitness https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/comments/77tipo/what_are_the_best_exercises_for_ab_hypertrophy/ exercise

if you flex at the hip, it will be a hip flexor exercise. If you flex at the spine (like in a reverse crunch) and then at the hip, it will be a core exercise, involving abs, obliques and hip flexors.

[D] [2019-01-29] What's the best thing to say to someone who is depressed? : AskReddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5kc0s1/whats_the_best_thing_to_say_to_someone_who_is/dbn1pwe/ exercise

[D] [2019-01-19] I can’t believe what a difference a good pair of skates make!! : hockeyplayers https://www.reddit.com/r/hockeyplayers/comments/7bw12q/i_cant_believe_what_a_difference_a_good_pair_of/ exercise

[C] [2021-03-30] weightlifting - What is the opposite exercise of push ups? - Physical Fitness Stack Exchange exercise

The row is the exercise that best antagonizes the push-up.

The reason we can't consider the pull-up a very complete antagonist exercise to the push-up is that it predominantly targets the lats. It's missing a couple of key components:

    Core involvement (both the row and the push-up require significant core involvement to execute)
    Scapular retraction (though some adduction occurs, it is less pronounced than the row).

TODO [C] [2019-02-21] Using an oxygen concentrator while working out? : Fitness exercise

oh, I was wondering same actually

STRT [C] [2019-08-18] How to prevent my fingers tearing like this? /r/climbing exercise

Try to keep your hands dry before climbing. Tape the ones that rip and if they look like they are about to rip take a nail file or some sandpaper and file it down. Less calloused skin will make them harder to burst. Also you've only been climbing for a little so soon enough you will be climbing problems/routes where the holds aren't big enough to make it to that part of your fingers. Then you get to experience the joy of shredded fingertips! Also look into products like Joshua Tree Climbing Salve, Climb On, and Climb Skin. In general, you will learn how to climb more delicately as well as toughen up your skin with consistent climbing.

WAIT [C] [2019-08-18] Can I use sandpaper to toughen up my hand? /r/climbing exercise

Just get a hangboard instead. They'll have a similar effect and you won't have to feel like a self-flagellating monk.

[B] [2019-02-06] What have you seen more hypertrophy with: low reps (3-5) or high reps (6+)? /r/bodyweightfitness exercise

Probably *marginally* better with 6+. But honestly if your diet is right and your program isn't stupid, and you're *consistent*, you'll get hypertrophy with pretty much any rep scheme up to ~15.
[Read this.](http://www.higher-faster-sports.com/nonfunctionalmyth.html)
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