I write more about it here and here.
Table of Contents
- related orgermemexpkm
- [A] * motivation orger
- [B] * ideas orger
- [B] * additional modules orger
- STRT [C] youtube – could mark as deleted if link = title? orgerhpi
- TODO [C] mirror emails, but maybe to people only? e.g. some reasonable volume cutoff to exclude notifications etc? orgerhpi
- TODO [C] orgerhpi
- DONE [C] feedbin? orgerpromnesia
- TODO [C] convert screenshots to todos? timestamp from created data, otherwise parse stuff orgerhpi
- TODO [C] Mastodon bookmarks? And post after orgermastodon
- TODO [D] goodreads orger
- TODO [C] organizing github stars? orger
- [C] * todos orger
- TODO [B] special mode to exit with 1 when error is encountered? and sep mode for appending errors orgererrors
- TODO [C] need to use highlight as title? orger
- TODO [C] hmm. maybe preserve the order? since there is no date when you liked something orgerhpitwitter
- WAIT [C] reddit – use quoting and convert syntax via pandoc? orger
- DONE [B] reddit – use colon to quote? orger
- TODO [D] myshows marked episodes orger
- TODO [D] "eh why" – not converted to org? orgerpolar
- STRT [D] really need extensive tests… orger
- [C] * publicity orger
- TODO [B] example of adding materialistic module – literally a matter of two commits? orger
- [B] the idea is that modules are simple and short enough for you to simply copy and modify as you wish orger
- TODO [C] post updated polar module orgertotweet
- STRT [C] exporter from telegram to org-mode orger
- TODO [C] publish: I guess can post it on org-mode featuring orger? orgerkobuddy
- STRT [C] give a demo of my orger file orgertoblogreddit
- [D] * misc orger
- TODO [B] add examples? karlicoss/orger: Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views orger
- STRT [C] attempt to generate literate readme orgerliterate
- orgerliterate fuck. multiline result can't be used…
- TODO [C] Orger part II: reading Reddit via org-mode, quick todos from chat messages and spaced repetition : orgmode orger
- [C] [karlicoss/orger] Include/support/contribute orgformat (#5) - - Gmail orger
- TODO [D] usecase: new isso comments in agenda? orgertoblogblog
- orgertoblogblog although for this maybe RSS is better? on the other hand agenda is like lite todo-first version of RSS?
- STRT [B] demo: materialistic app orgertoblogmaterialistic
- TODO [B] karlicoss/orger: Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views orger
- DONE [C] github comments orger
- DONE [C] reddit grabber – prevents deleted posts orger
- STRT [B] Permanent view onto reddit bookmarks.. hard to distinguish between unfavorited or nonexistent though orgerredditexports
- TODO [C] I guess id want to rearrange items based on topics and probably threads/posts orgerredditorg
- TODO [C] plaintext mirror of your digital self orger
- TODO [B] Every bookmark manager ever made orgerpkm
- orgerpkm ediscoverability
- STRT [C] Post about reading Reddit. Need Reddit provider for that though… Could just extract a separate script for saved orger
- DONE hypothesis view? orgercodingorg
- orgercodingorg for hyp:
- TODO [D] how to make everything is consumed?? would be interesting thing for jsons. orgercodingorg
- orgerorgcoding I guess could do that for tests only.. since often attribute retrieval is lazy..
- orgercodingorg
ok, let's think what do we want
- DONE [C] also not sure about append only… that's pretty tricky orgerorgcoding
- DONE [C] rely on emacs lock files? perhaps there is some library which can handle that for other text editors? orgerorgcoding
- DONE I guess I could also just track state. that way appending would make more sense. perhaps even different files for all reddit bookmarks and my view which I am manipulating.. orgerorgcoding
- TODO [B] suggest them to collaborate? maybe will figure out markdown output format, would be pretty cool orgerdendron
- orgerdendronagora might be good for agora as well?
¶related orgermemexpkm
¶[A] * motivation orger
¶STRT [B] Reddit's Save Functionality Sucks | My Random Thoughts by Cedric Amaya orgerredditexports
For those unaware, saving things on Reddit as a non-Premium member works in the following way: limited to 1000 saved things (posts and comments) total; once the limit is reached, older things are replaced and essentially deleted from history saves are stored in reverse chronological order (latest to oldest) no way whatsoever to filter or sort saved content no searching capability is provided pagination limit on Reddit site is limited to 25 items, thus requiring users to use the “Next Page” or “Prev Page” buttons a lot
wow, the fuck?? they are deleted from history??
¶TODO add to blog too? orgerredditexportstoblog
¶TODO [C] motivation: I've got reddit, hackernews (no api, so mobile is separate), links from telegram, RSS orgertoblog
¶STRT [C] orgerreddit
I'm tackling the issue of managing Reddit saves. Across all platforms (not just Reddit), people including myself like to save/bookmark interesting content in the hopes of getting some use out of it later. The problem arises when you start accumulating too much content and forget to ever check that stuff out.
¶[B] * ideas orger
¶[B] novoid/Memacs: FAQs and Best orgererrors
Because our memacs-modules run automatically, it would be difficult to be notified in case of an error. So memacs-modules handle errors by appending them to a file:
Very nice pattern, could use it for other stuff too
¶TODO [B] feels more and more that they should be a single tool orgermemexpromnesia
¶[B] * additional modules orger
¶STRT [C] youtube – could mark as deleted if link = title? orgerhpi
¶TODO would be nice to have some module that can supply metadata when it's missing orgerhpi
maybe it's fine to make the program super customizable, just guard it (and make sure the minimal setup runs smoothly)
¶TODO [C] mirror emails, but maybe to people only? e.g. some reasonable volume cutoff to exclude notifications etc? orgerhpi
¶TODO [C] orgerhpi
port saved lobsters posts?
¶DONE [C] feedbin? orgerpromnesia
¶TODO [C] convert screenshots to todos? timestamp from created data, otherwise parse stuff orgerhpi
¶TODO [C] Mastodon bookmarks? And post after orgermastodon
¶TODO [D] goodreads orger
¶TODO [C] organizing github stars? orger
maybe it should really be queue-type… so I can organize it myself
¶[C] * todos orger
¶TODO [B] special mode to exit with 1 when error is encountered? and sep mode for appending errors orgererrors
¶TODO [C] need to use highlight as title? orger
¶TODO [C] hmm. maybe preserve the order? since there is no date when you liked something orgerhpitwitter
¶WAIT [C] reddit – use quoting and convert syntax via pandoc? orger
¶DONE [B] reddit – use colon to quote? orger
¶TODO [D] myshows marked episodes orger
¶TODO [D] "eh why" – not converted to org? orgerpolar
¶STRT [D] really need extensive tests… orger
¶[C] * publicity orger
¶TODO [B] example of adding materialistic module – literally a matter of two commits? orger
¶[B] the idea is that modules are simple and short enough for you to simply copy and modify as you wish orger
thanks to decoupling the data retrieval (#hpi)
¶TODO [C] post updated polar module orgertotweet
¶STRT [C] exporter from telegram to org-mode orger
¶TODO [C] publish: I guess can post it on org-mode featuring orger? orgerkobuddy
¶STRT [C] give a demo of my orger file orgertoblogreddit
¶[D] * misc orger
¶TODO [B] add examples? karlicoss/orger: Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views orger
Mirror (old name StaticView): mirrors all data from a source, and generated from scratch every time, hence read only.
¶STRT [C] attempt to generate literate readme orgerliterate
¶ fuck. multiline result can't be used… orgerliterate
¶TODO [C] Orger part II: reading Reddit via org-mode, quick todos from chat messages and spaced repetition : orgmode orger
All right. I am trying to install it. I have installed python on Windowz. And I run on CMD: C:\Downloads\orger-master\ install But it seems there is an error. Any help? "src\orger" actually exists below "orger-master":
create issue in orger repo
¶[C] [karlicoss/orger] Include/support/contribute orgformat (#5) - - Gmail orger
¶TODO [D] usecase: new isso comments in agenda? orgertoblogblog
¶ although for this maybe RSS is better? on the other hand agenda is like lite todo-first version of RSS? orgertoblogblog
¶STRT [B] demo: materialistic app orgertoblogmaterialistic
Hi, this yet another demo of Orger and today I want to show how I'm using it to process my Hackernews bookmarks.
So, on my Andoird phone I'm using this app, called Materialistic.
It's a nice, clean, open source. It cache articles for offline, so I quite like it.
But, one downside is that the list of saved items its not synchronised with your Hackernews account.
That is, it only keeps saved articles locally on the phone.
I guess the main reason is because Hackernews doesn't have an API. So if the developers were to implement saving functionality,
they would have to use web scraping etc, which is tedious. But anyway, that's not the point.
Because even if it sync, your save items list on hackernews is static.
You can't reorder it, you can't prioritize it, you can't add some comment or annotation.
(TODO show screenshot)
And I'm saving a lot of links, and I don't have enough time to read all of them.
So.. and let me show how Orger helps with this.
TODO jump to the file
So as you can see I've already got some stuff organized. For now let's jump to the end, where new saved items are added.
It's easy to spot items that are new, since they don't have a priority yet.
So what I would normally do is – I would check out this file, perhaps once it couple of weeks.
First, I'm going through new items, and putting a priority on each of them from A to D, just based on the title.
TODO so for example (show examples of items the I want to read now, hence put A, and unlikely, so put D)
Once I've done that, I can sort everything. So we can select everything. and call org-sort-entries, and choose 'prioirity'
And – whoops, you can see it's put the highest priority stuff on the top.
So I've got like, two articles marked as A, which I can read right now.
Sometimes I would also go through the items marked as B/C and once again, top up the prirority, sort, and here you go.
That way you can process the most important and relevant stuff and keep up to your content queue.
One question people often ask – if you admit you will probably never have time to read everything, why don't you just remove stuff with the lowest priority.
Two ansers: 1 – sometimes I might go throught them and top up the priority. TODO priorities change, etc., so I might be TODO to read this later.
The second answer – it's useful for search. So I might not necessarily read the item directly. But I've got a global search over all of my information.
TODO demonstrate, for example.
I'm using similar TODO for reddit.
And you can set it up for pretty much anything similar.
TODO demonstrate on global search for 'Database Schema'?
TODO set (setq frame-title-format "%b") in emacs for presentation mode
TODO at the end of video demonstrate HPI?? and the command running in cron?
TODO the script running on phone? … not sure…
but could show a snippet I guess
crontab -l | grep materialistic, etc
¶TODO [B] karlicoss/orger: Tool to convert data into searchable and interactive org-mode views orger
The trick to accessing data is in import my.coding.github. You can learn about setting it up and using here.
link to HPI?
¶DONE [C] github comments orger
¶STRT need to publish githubprovider first?.. orger
¶DONE [C] reddit grabber – prevents deleted posts orger
¶STRT [B] Permanent view onto reddit bookmarks.. hard to distinguish between unfavorited or nonexistent though orgerredditexports
¶TODO [C] I guess id want to rearrange items based on topics and probably threads/posts orgerredditorg
Also would make it really easier to prioritize etc
¶TODO [C] plaintext mirror of your digital self orger
¶TODO [B] Every bookmark manager ever made orgerpkm
Every bookmark manager ever made -
People wonder why are bookmarks so hard
¶ ediscoverability orgerpkm
My issue with all bookmark managers, including the one I currently use (, is re-discoverability. I will happily bookmark this and that, but it's unlikely I'll ever actually go back to the bookmark. Every once in a while I'll go through the library when I feel like looking for random gems, but the first port of call when trying to solve a problem will always be a search engine.
¶STRT [C] Post about reading Reddit. Need Reddit provider for that though… Could just extract a separate script for saved orger
¶DONE hypothesis view? orgercodingorg
¶ for hyp: orgercodingorg
original url with timestamp
page comments
each item is a note with possibly a comment
transformations? Could actually be generic across the whole provider. need a decent way of applying them though
¶TODO [D] how to make everything is consumed?? would be interesting thing for jsons. orgercodingorg
basically wrap every node and assert it's expanded?
¶ I guess could do that for tests only.. since often attribute retrieval is lazy.. orgerorgcoding
¶ ok, let's think what do we want orgercodingorg
¶DONE [C] also not sure about append only… that's pretty tricky orgerorgcoding
I guess on the slightest parsing weirdness it should refuse to do anything
for now, start with read only I suppose
¶DONE [C] rely on emacs lock files? perhaps there is some library which can handle that for other text editors? orgerorgcoding
¶DONE I guess I could also just track state. that way appending would make more sense. perhaps even different files for all reddit bookmarks and my view which I am manipulating.. orgerorgcoding
I guess that's the way to go, yep