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related cookdietfood

TODO [C] Cook lentils in microwave? cook

CREATED: [2018-01-13]

TODO [D] quorn cook

CREATED: [2018-01-15]

TODO [C] creamed spinach cook

CREATED: [2018-01-15]

TODO marinate veggies for kimchi cook

TODO white shimeji mushrooms cook

TODO aluminium foil cookhealth

apparently not very safe? However works is acidic food, e.g. lemons and tomatoes?

TODO salad inspiration cook

CREATED: [2018-01-25]

TODO use walnut oil for salads, not hot cooking cook

CREATED: [2018-02-11]

[A] stir frying cook

CREATED: [2018-04-03]
  • samphire – useless stuff. do not buy it anymore
  • do not stir fry large things, e.g. leafy things like spinach; mushrooms unless in very small amounts
  • unfreeze and dry before stir frying (e.g. raw prawns)
  • heat pan properly
  • there is no such thing as too large stir fry pan
  • cut stuff in really small chunks. probably no such thing as too small; you could just stop frying
  • transfer fried things, dry with paper towel and use oil again

TODO try sprouting? figure out if necessary to soak cook

CREATED: [2018-04-05]

TODO db link! match first found cook


geniuskitchen is quite good, no bullshit cook

TODO coriander coffee cookcoffee

TODO add marmite to broth in small amounts cook

CREATED: [2018-04-10]

TODO molten peanut butter cake cook

Basil cheesecake cook

CREATED: [2018-04-14]

Гороховый суп с копченостями cook

CREATED: [2018-04-16]

TODO Marinate eggs cook

CREATED: [2018-04-18]

CANCEL [2018-02-01] make my houmous cook

TODO [D] process cook

CREATED: [2018-02-01]

TODO [C] microwave food cook

CREATED: [2018-02-01]
  • also, buy transparent microwave proof cup specifically for these kind of things

Spicy is better with fatty. So make sure spicy stir fries are fatty! cook

CREATED: [2018-04-23]

flat pan vs skillet cook

CREATED: [2018-04-29]
I have both in cast iron, I prefer the flat one for making steaks etc. as it gets a better seared crust. I use the grill pan to roast chickens and small cuts of meat, The grill ridges give it a nice lift and higher sides help with heat retention

TODO No-Churn Peanut Butter Ice Cream Recipe cook

TODO Question - Quora cookgastronomy

TODO Make cold spiced latte chai cook

CREATED: [2018-05-26]

TODO Turnip as potato cooknutrition

CREATED: [2018-05-29]

TODO Mix broccoli spinach nutmeg cream parmesan cook

CREATED: [2018-06-13]

TODO [D] use frozen berries for yogurt?? cook

CREATED: [2018-07-07]

TODO Make chili con carne cook

CREATED: [2018-07-16]

TODO soup chicken lentils spinach and broccoli cook

CREATED: [2018-07-12]
1 lb chicken breasts (skinless, boneless)
1 cup French dried green lentils
1 6 oz package fresh baby spinach
1 onion (finely chopped)
2 carrots (chopped)
2 stalks of celery chopped
6 cloves garlic (chopped)
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 tsp paprika
6 cups fat free chicken broth or water
Juice from ½ a lemon
Salt and pepper to taste

rocket (italian salad mix) + pine nuts + mac oil + vinegar – pretty good with fish! cook

CREATED: [2018-08-20]

TODO Cook chili cook

CREATED: [2018-08-25]

STRT freeze omelette? cook

CREATED: [2018-07-21]

TODO I think I'm spending quite a lot of time to separate soup. how to make it super efficient? cook

CREATED: [2019-01-20]

TODO Beansprout noodle pho cook

CREATED: [2019-01-27]

[2018-12-15] nice salad: kale, pine nuts, sesame seeds, oil??, cook

like from cocotte hoxton; nathalie side sala
Kale, roasted yellow peppers, toasted seeds, tahini, walnut oil and lime dressing.

[2018-11-26] Cheesy Cauliflower Fritters : ketorecipes cook

[C] [2018-07-31] Crunchy mozzarella salad recipe | BBC Good Food cook

[C] [2018-07-31] Spinach salad with strawberries & macadamia nuts | This is Your Cookbook cook

[D] [2018-08-21] Low Carb Ramen! : ketorecipes cook

Recipe and Ingredients:
• 100 g shirataki noodles • 100 g steak of choice • 1.5 cups beef broth • Soy sauce • Egg • Cilantro • Leeks
“First thing you’ll need to do is cook your meat, whichever way you like. Personally, I like to fry up the steak until about an internal temperature of 140 F, set it aside to cool, then thinly slice it. I totally recommend under cooking it a tiny bit, as when you set it aside it will still be cooking internally. Next I pour out some beef broth into a small pot and let it simmer, adding in some soy sauce and lime juice. Personally I add extra salt. Like very extra.
Now for the noodles. I have discussed shirataki noodles in a previous post – from the preparation, to the nutrition facts. I will repeat – they contain almost no calories and no carbs! Now what I do is just drain them from their package and wash through intensely with cold water. I then just add them to a bowl.
Top the noodles with your beef broth and get to decorating. Add in your meat, the egg, and top it off with chopped cilantro and leeks. And a slice of lime of course! It makes all the difference trust me.” (Taken from blog post)

[D] [2019-01-27] x cook

The most important aspect of a cooking oil is its resistance to destabilization from heat. Coconut oil has the highest stability of all tested oils due to its high saturated fat content.
Processed seed oils are so fragile they cannot even be exposed to sunlight without going rancid.

[2019-05-06] Today I learned that cauliflower rice doesn't suck in stir-fry. "Recipe" in comments. Food pic /r/Paleo cook

TODO Салат Багратион джонджоли cook

CREATED: [2019-09-14]

DONE waitrose small coconut cream cook

CREATED: [2018-01-28]

CANCEL [D] making own nut butter cook

CANCEL concentrate on perfecting a certain meal cook

e.g. figure out the perfect spices, cooking time, etc, eat it every week

TODO [C] use pod for food inspiration cook

TODO shea butter cookfood

TODO buttermilk cookfood

TODO [C] Mozarella spinach cook

CREATED: [2018-01-07]

TODO make ahead freezer bag recipes cook

CREATED: [2018-01-25]

TODO spinach in cheddar and mascarpone cheese sauce with nutmeg waitrose cook

CREATED: [2018-01-28]

TODO M&S avocado, feta and grain salad with mint and creme fraiche dressing cook

CREATED: [2018-01-23]

TODO hollandaise sauce cook

2 tbsp butter, ghee, duck fat or extra virgin olive oil
1 large egg yolk
¼ tsp Dijon mustard (you can make your own)
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice (15 ml) - see note below
pinch salt or more to taste
½ tbsp water or more if too thick
Note: If you prefer your hollandaise mild, only use 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and add 2 teaspoons of wate

TODO make bean sprouts cook

TODO pistachio and cottage cheese salad cook

pineapple? cook

TODO [C] cook

CREATED: [2018-04-03]

[A] Seafood pasta cook

CREATED: [2018-04-09]

CANCEL [C] use 85C water for filter coffee? cookcoffee

CREATED: [2018-04-07]

TODO marmite on butter toast or cheddar cheese sandwitch cook

CREATED: [2018-04-10]

TODO waitrose stir fry sauce peanut satay cook

CREATED: [2018-04-11]

TODO waitrose tartare sauce cook

CREATED: [2018-04-11]

Waitrose edamame noodles!!! cookketo

CREATED: [2018-04-06]

Prawn salad cook

CREATED: [2018-04-14]

Extract bazil in cream cook

CREATED: [2018-04-28]

TODO [D] Activated Sprouted Almond Butter - Nest and Glow cook

CREATED: [2018-07-24]
almonds don't sprout, it's just soaked
not sure if worth trying? would it be any different from normal almond butter?

CANCEL [D] Sashimi from frozen salmon and tuna? Maybe from Iceland? cookfish

CREATED: [2018-08-16]

[2017-12-23] saving chopped fruit: use lemon juice cook

[2019-01-07] Kale with lemon tahini dressing | BBC Good Food cook
mm, that was very good! also side of lamb

[C] [2019-07-23] How to Make Lentil Soup for Dummies Using a Microwave Oven cook
pretty good. Used about 3 cups of water after soaked cup of lentils; had to salt quite a bit and used 1.25 ml cayenne on the whole thing

[C] for steamer arrange tougher vegs on the outside and tender in centre so they finish cooking at the same time cook

food continues to cook when taken out from microwave!

TODO [C] [2021-02-11] Cooking For Engineers - Step by Step Recipes and Food for the Analytically Minded cook

[D] [2019-04-19] parsnips herbs - Google Search cook

The Best Ways to Eat Parsnips. Parsnips are typically eaten cooked. They can be eaten raw — it's just not as common

[C] [2017-06-24] different oils have different smoke points cook

  • extra virgin olive oil should be used for low heat/salads
  • grapeseed/avocado/macadamia for high-temperature cooking.
    macadamia is great in salads too though!

It might impact taste, i.e. there is no point burning a fancy olive oil.
However, there aren't any proofs for the health risks

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