Things to think through
Table of Contents
- related thinkideasself
- TODO [B] Tip of the day: if you can't find X, look for things that might be blocking your view of think
- STRT [B] More thoughts about perfect models think
- STRT [B] Квантовое самоубийство — Википедия thinkquantum
- thinkquantum
- TODO [B] Fuzzy search browser plugin; filter certain entries. Deduce similarity (e.g by giving multiple identical elements and figuring out common xpath) thinksearchpkm
- TODO [B] Simulating physical reality with a quantum computer | Lobsters think
- TODO [B] Climate technology primer (1/3): basics – Longitudinal Science thinkenvironmentliterate
- [B] aspects thinkmalleablesoftware
- TODO [B] trace 'particles' through the information thinkui
- TODO [B] What if a mind is a superposition of close enogh quantum states that represent this mind? And you can cause constructuve inteference to your own mind by measuring? thinkquantum
- [B] I't a bit sad how people concentrate on ideas, not execution think
- TODO [B] distribution has got to be MUCH easier. distributing your extension via CWS/AMO is extremely slow, tedious and error prone thinkmalleablewebext
- TODO [B] is it possible to set up a self-interference experiment assuming many worlds? e.g. merge two branches of the wavefunction thinkquantum
- TODO [B] qft on finite strip? klein-gordon equation? thinkqft
- STRT [B] some sort of VFS with data, all data has dependencies think
- TODO [B] Eating food as a random gaussian walk thinknutrition
- TODO [B] html + css + js is a very successful model. how to apply it to other computing problems? think
- TODO [B] 2d grep? both col and row? thinkspreadsheet
- TODO [B] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective think
- TODO [B] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective think
- [B] Slack | hallway | Convivial Computing Salon think
- TODO [C] Quantum Game with Photons thinkgamequantum
- STRT [C] metabolism simulator thinksim
- [C] Linear function Homotopies computable sets think
- TODO [C] Why people should fix nature problems think
- [C] can vote swap really change anything? It's still a cooperation task, but hopefully easier to solve (on the level of state/city/county) think
- TODO [C] hmm. kinda like interpreter, which shows some context and suggests what you can do with an object? thinkcomputing
- TODO [C] api for tasks, could integrate with other services and mirror them (e.g. github) thinkpkm
- TODO [C] Tweet from David Larsson (@laserallan), at Aug 14, 08:20 thinkdebugviz
- TODO [C] Challenges in open source voice interfaces | thinkorgwledger
- [C] Angelo Gazzola think
- TODO [C] Federated timeline thoughts thinkmastodon
- TODO [C] problem: assembling data from API think
- TODO [C] some thoughts on before= API vs after= API thinkapiexports
- TODO [C] defensive policy? basically add validate() method thinkexportsdal
- TODO [C] old stuff from pinboard DAL thinkexports
- STRT [C] Like helm but for Android? thinkphonepkm
- TODO Wonder how mad would using actual emacs/helm be? thinkphonepkmemacs
- thinkpkmphoneemacs def should go this route. fuck android programming and apps
- TODO Wonder how mad would using actual emacs/helm be? thinkphonepkmemacs
- TODO [C] would be cool to visualise dtypes after running numpy? thinkviznumpy
- TODO [C] Tweet from jestem króliczkiem (@karlicoss), at Sep 20, 01:17 thinkkeyboardui
- TODO [C] Dsl could be a good way to learn a new declarative language? thinkdslpython
- STRT [C] Dropbox missed opportunity for local first apps thinkmalleable
- [C] hmm, what if conversations evolve horizontally, not vertically? e.g. on top you have a stack of previous conversations displayed think
- TODO [C] try to infer statistical properties from explicit solving on quantum computer? thinkquantumsimulate
- TODO [C] browser extension for 'curated' lightweight internet think
- TODO [C] Start publishing some of my stuff. Maybe start with reddit comments thinkpostprivacy
- TODO [C] dunno about sunk cost thinktoblogsoftware
- TODO [C] yield in two places in code: splitting iterator by predicate thinkideaspythonyield
- STRT wonder if it can be rewritten with coroutines thinkideaspythonyield
- thinkideaspythonyield similar idea: groupby fully on iterators
- thinkideaspythonyield it's kinda like ( ) generator syntax; but not inline
- thinkideaspythonyield def looks like coroutines
- TODO [C] So, I really wanna live forever? think
- TODO [C] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective thinktotweet
- TODO [C] RSS reader would be a perfect fit for app over syncthing? thinkrss
- TODO [C] People i admire think
- TODO [C] Hamiltonian for computation thinkcomputingphysics
- [C] Nick Cammarata on Twitter: "After hearing about friends having great experiences treating GPT-3 as a therapist I tried it myself and 5 minutes in oh my god it goes straight for the throat I feel so seen" / Twitter think
- TODO [C] thread on quantum computation and errors? thinktotweettoblog
- TODO [C] If it waas my last day what would i do? thinkmindmeditation
- TODO [C] jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "@gwern (somewhat ironically) that page does have ids set on divs, but no visible paragraph anchors, I referred to that section specifically:" / Twitter thinkcodingpkm
- TODO [C] dependent types for typing pandas/numpy tensor operations would be so great thinkpython
- TODO [C] discuss cambria think
- STRT [C] experiment with lazy values thinkpython
- [C] Joe Rogan Experience 1350 - Nick Bostrom - YouTube think
- [C] Ben Goertzel: Artificial General Intelligence | AI Podcast #103 with Lex Fridman - YouTube thinktotweet
- thinktotweet or could use a black hole?
- [C] David S. on Twitter: "@BartoszMilewski Penrose diagram for a black hole. Light rays travel at 45 deg. Once you pass the horizon then doomed to hit the singularity, but you will still see your feet (F->H light ray). Some other observer outside the horizon cannot see your feet after they pass the event horizon." / Twitter think
- think although maybe nothing would happen? Signals move just fine whatever the direction
- TODO [C] generator with fixed number of items thinkmypy
- thinkmypy tricky to type properly because of yield from?
- TODO [D] ml grind fineness detector thinkideascoffee
- [D] Reduction of NPC problems to some funny NPC games thinkgamecs
- [D] Graph problem: mark a subset of tree's vertices if after visiting a vertex, it's color is inverted think
- [D] grammar equivalence for some CFG classes think
- [D] global minimum quantum algorithm think
- [D] agda recursion theorem, computability theorems think
- [D] Halt decidable finite thinkcs
- [D] нейронные сети клеточный автомат think
- [D] Constructive QM think
- [D] Logic of cauchy real numbers, optimizing calculations think
- TODO [D] latex types, dimensions and scopes thinktypes
- TODO [D] automatic ledger style parsing thinkparsing
- TODO [D] could use pushift for reddit pingback? thinkreddit
- TODO [D] some sort of automatic rosetta stone to write code in python and then translate? thinkpythoninteropelisp
- [D] tweet Хочу интерактивный шелл, в который я буду кормить описание, а метку можно было бы ставить одной кнопочкой. thinkml
- [E] Dynamic graph diameter think
- TODO Maybe the bubbles are not a problem per se. What is problematic olis that its much harder to bubble physically think
- think wtf??? what bubbles??
- TODO jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "debug logs are annoying when you're not, well, debugging, on then one hand. On the other hand, quite useful since they give a sense of progress. Tried to get the best of both worlds in Promnesia by collapsing subsequent logs (only if they have DEBUG level). Ended up pretty nice!" / Twitter thinkpython
- TODO SF where general purpose programming is 'forbidden'? thinkbook
- TODO godbolt for dna thinkdna
- DONE [C] WIP branch in workout provider on nicer parsing thinkexerciseqs
- actually, it's a pretty interesting and more general problem – how to easily parse semi structured natural language? thinkexerciseqs
- thinkexerciseqs had few interesting thoughts there in comments
- STRT [C] simulate musical instruments with interesting boundary conditions … thinkideasmusicsimquitartoblog
- TODO [C] Concurrency testing tool thinkconcurrencyprogramming
- TODO [C] Federated timeline for twitter – could implement by myself? thinkmastodontwitter
- STRT [C] Python pattern matching thinkpython
- TODO python bindings in ideas/ thinkpython
- thinkpython eh, perhaps isinstance + would actually be better. perhaps .untie method as well (also can be mypy assisted)
- TODO wonder if 3.10 proposal renders it obsolete? thinkpython
- TODO python bindings in ideas/ thinkpython
- TODO [D] implement bindings to import simple objects as python? convert datetimes on the fly, maybe? thinkpythonhaskellrustffi
- TODO [C] better inspector for python objects, kinda like here thinkpythonideas
- TODO [C] picker for 'entries' via CSS – wonder how much of chrome API I could reuse. could also look at page in Iframe and present list of things extracted think
- [C] Error thing which still has a fallback date (and wraps original type), I feel it's pretty common thinkdatetime
- TODO undocumented untyped systems are kind of ok if you have a responsive repl? thinkrepltypes
- TODO [D] Using Portia to make spiders - YouTube thinkinspiration
- STRT [C] x thinkmoneyubi
- TODO [B] we will probably part ways? thinktotweetcomputing
- TODO [B] rememberance agent idea: on highlighting something, show fuzzy search results somewhere in the sidebar/other buffer thinkpkm
- TODO [C] Hmm. Wonder if there is a way to implement artificial chemistry/proteins and simulate diffusion? thinkbiology
- TODO [B] matching people with some skill to work on open projects thinkopensource
- TODO [B] open source sponsoring – (auto?) route money for other projects think
- STRT [C] thinkideas
- TODO [C] pharaoh/caesar units are very similar to cellular processes? in the sense that things are mostly autonomous etc thinkbiology
- TODO [C] 'provably solar' energy? e.g. neutrino imprint or something thinkcrypto
¶related thinkideasself
¶TODO [B] Tip of the day: if you can't find X, look for things that might be blocking your view of think
(Obvious as it sounds, I stop and consciously make myself do this sometimes and it often works.)
¶STRT [B] More thoughts about perfect models think
One realization was that my parents are also not best at every possible reshare and made mistakes and bad decisions
¶TODO Or the notion of computation think
¶STRT [B] Квантовое самоубийство — Википедия thinkquantum
Риск того, что в результате эксперимента ружьё выстрелит и участник умрёт, составляет 50 %. Если копенгагенская интерпретация верна, то ружьё в конечном итоге выстрелит, и участник умрёт. Если же верна многомировая интерпретация Эверетта, то в результате каждого проведенного эксперимента вселенная расщепляется на две вселенных, в одной из которых участник остается жив, а в другой погибает. В мирах, где участник умирает, он перестает существовать. Напротив, с точки зрения неумершего участника, эксперимент будет продолжаться, не приводя к исчезновению участника. Это происходит потому, что в любом ответвлении участник способен наблюдать результат эксперимента лишь в том мире, в котором он выживает. И если многомировая интерпретация верна, то участник может заметить, что он никогда не погибнет в ходе эксперимента.
¶TODO [B] Fuzzy search browser plugin; filter certain entries. Deduce similarity (e.g by giving multiple identical elements and figuring out common xpath) thinksearchpkm
¶TODO [B] Simulating physical reality with a quantum computer | Lobsters think
Asiking since I feel like this particular example doesn’t answer yet “why bother using quantum computing for that”? In essence, here we just multiply initial state by the evolution matrix, which is a trivial task for classical computers (when the size isn’t exponential). For instance, when justifying use for Shor’s or Grover’s algorithm it’s easy to understand the speedup since the problems are fairly abstract and it’s clear how compexity grows with size. Wonder if in a similar manner, it’s possible to come up with some made-up system of N electrons (or other particles, if it would make Hamiltonian simpler/closer to reality), that would be relatively easy to solve analytically (or just reason about qualitatevely), but straighforward construction of Hamiltonian matrix would be infeasible? And then once could map the Hamiltonian onto quantum gates and that demonstrate that the results predicated by quantum computer match the analytical solution.
¶TODO [B] Climate technology primer (1/3): basics – Longitudinal Science thinkenvironmentliterate
I could try and make this interactive?
¶[B] aspects thinkmalleablesoftware
- text aspect (pipes)
- spreadsheet aspect (??? map/reduce/sql)
- timeseries aspect
- tree aspect (xpath queries)
¶TODO [B] trace 'particles' through the information thinkui
e.g. you put it in an integer and you can see how it propagates and impacts throught the systtem
or, you put it in a document, and you can see the further changes, also where it's published and how it spreads
kinda like CT scan
¶TODO [B] What if a mind is a superposition of close enogh quantum states that represent this mind? And you can cause constructuve inteference to your own mind by measuring? thinkquantum
¶[B] I't a bit sad how people concentrate on ideas, not execution think
e.g. datahoarder subreddit – people literally collect data without much recollection for what they are gonna do with it
or degoogle – people are willing to get off google… to apple etc
¶TODO [B] distribution has got to be MUCH easier. distributing your extension via CWS/AMO is extremely slow, tedious and error prone thinkmalleablewebext
¶TODO [B] is it possible to set up a self-interference experiment assuming many worlds? e.g. merge two branches of the wavefunction thinkquantum
¶TODO [B] qft on finite strip? klein-gordon equation? thinkqft
¶STRT [B] some sort of VFS with data, all data has dependencies think
every time you change something, it gradually propagates through VFS
unclear how to make it PL independent
¶TODO [B] Eating food as a random gaussian walk thinknutrition
Eventually you'd get extremely fat just by pure chance?
¶TODO [B] html + css + js is a very successful model. how to apply it to other computing problems? think
¶TODO [B] 2d grep? both col and row? thinkspreadsheet
¶TODO [B] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective think
Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose jaredwindover @karlicoss I think this talk is highly relevant: especially the part about digital substrates. I think we have the same issue as soon as we step outside the browser, and it's a fundamental problem in the way we have imagined interfaces should be created, distributed and used. For desktop apps check out this paper by my friend James
¶TODO [B] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective think
Re: “macroscopic” properties, this seems to me to be closely related to a concept in the natural sciences call “renormalization group flow”, and possibly some ideas from cybernetics. One could imagine the space of states “flowing” through an app, and the macroscopic ones are those which are the most stable under perturbations (and therefore most ideal for getting strong understanding and building structure on top of). IMHO, the problem with conventional CS is how much it’s digital i.e. conditionals and cases and expects exact states, whereas good systems (to model the real world) might look much more analog in how they can marshal a variety of states into a set of well-defined ones.
¶[B] Slack | hallway | Convivial Computing Salon think
An interesting example is the brush. A brush is "smart": it can help you clean a surface without you having to care about the precise shape of the surface.
¶TODO [C] Quantum Game with Photons thinkgamequantum
¶STRT [C] metabolism simulator thinksim
nothing obvious on github
tool in
¶[C] Linear function Homotopies computable sets think
¶TODO [C] Why people should fix nature problems think
Two cases: there is greater mind that will stop nature from falling apart. Two cases: we intervene or we're not
If there is a greater mind: we're fine anyway, they will save us.
It there is no: we're at risk of nature and us extincting if we don't do anything.
So it makes more sense to do?
¶[C] can vote swap really change anything? It's still a cooperation task, but hopefully easier to solve (on the level of state/city/county) think
¶TODO [C] hmm. kinda like interpreter, which shows some context and suggests what you can do with an object? thinkcomputing
¶TODO [C] api for tasks, could integrate with other services and mirror them (e.g. github) thinkpkm
¶TODO [C] Tweet from David Larsson (@laserallan), at Aug 14, 08:20 thinkdebugviz
@kenpex Technically not a visualization but I was very happy with outputting Geiger counter sounds in proportion to how many memory allocations were made. Gave great feedback on when an application was doing something dumb when it comes to allocations
¶TODO [C] Challenges in open source voice interfaces | thinkorgwledger
Mycroft AI uses two intent parsers. The first, Adapt, uses a keyword-matching approach to determine a confidence score, then passes control to the skill, or command, with the highest confidence. Padatious takes a different approach, where examples of entities are provided so it can learn to recognize an entity within an utterance.
huh, could use that for my org mode parsing?
¶[C] Angelo Gazzola think
What is "build"? Taking some raw materials and creating something with them. Yes, I consider bytes raw materials.
¶TODO [C] Federated timeline thoughts thinkmastodon
Users weighted by presence in federated timeline
Stats on toot likes/mutes
¶TODO [C] problem: assembling data from API think
api allows retrieving messages before certain timestamp, from newer to older
can you prove that it's not possible to assemble data in some memory efficient and consistent way?
e.g. if we had oldest to newest, it'd be possible to 'extend' both ways, thus persisting middle bit
with one way we have to keep track of and merge 'segments'
¶binary search? E.g. artificially make 'oldest to newest' by reverting query results think
¶another approach think
say messages go from A …. Z – oldest to newest'
fetch: K — P ; interrupted
so you've got some middle chunk.
you can extend left bit committing regularly
e.g. G - K => G — P
B - G => B – P
Right bit, however, is more trickly. You'll always have to commit in a single transaction
Otherwise you might end with a gap after P you'll never close
It's actually ok if you run often enough. But if you don't run for a year and want to carry on, it's gonna be quite annoying.
I guess one option is –refresh mode? go from the very end, ignore beginning and just fill it
¶TODO [C] some thoughts on before= API vs after= API thinkapiexports
I'd never imagine I'd be coming up with theoretical puzzles involving APIs… but here I am.
Say you've got an API serving messages (say, <= 10 at a time) from newest to oldest.
In addition you've got optional 'before' parameter:
- fetch() – gives 10 latest messages (TODO this one isn't even necessary?)
- fetch(before='31 Dec 2019 23:59:59') – gives 10 latest (ish) messages in 2019
Now imagine you want to persist all messages in the database and TODO properties
- assumptions on resiliency – say you experience cosmic particles every minute that reboots your computer. So you can't keep messages in RAM/database journal for too long
- assumptions on data transfer?
- assumptions on RAM – not sure if necessary, basically bounded by ram/s ans seconds of uptimes?
- assumptions on catching up – i.e. you want to progress in terms of ??? e.g. for each n, amount of messages <n unavailable decreases with time?
If API was different (TODO maybe even mentioning newet to oldest isn't important). can always sort.
- fetch(after=XXX)
- fetch(before=XXX)
allows for fairly easy
[oldest … newest] – persistent in db
oldest, newest = querydb()
extraold = fetch(before=oldest)
with db.transaction():
extranew = fetch(after=newest)
with db.transaction():
TODO in fact, even easier. if we only had after (assuming we could use 0 timestamp), then
newest = querydb() # always assumes
if newest is None:
newest = 0
extranew = fetch(after=newest)
with db.transaction():
the question is – what's fundamentally wrong with 'before' api that makes it so hard? am I onto something deeper?
¶TODO [C] defensive policy? basically add validate() method thinkexportsdal
it collects properties and force evaluates them
¶TODO [C] old stuff from pinboard DAL thinkexports
class Error(Exception): def __init__(self, raw: Dict) -> None: super().__init__(f'error while processing {raw}') self.raw = raw @property def uid(self) -> str: return self.raw['hash'] # def get_entries() -> List[Result]: # return list(sort_res_by(iter_entries(), key=lambda e: (e.created, e.url))) # # # def get_ok_entries() -> List[Bookmark]: # logger = get_logger() # results = [] # for x in get_entries(): # try: # res = unwrap(x) # except Exception as e: # logger.exception(e) # else: # results.append(res) # return results # TODO motivation for having historic backups: can keep track of changes (if you're into that sort of stats) # TODO why data backups are hard: defensive parsing so it wouldn't require your attention immediately? # TODO error attribute? # alternatives: # fill fields with dummy ids/etc/ and pass eror=Exception # error: Optional[] # might still break some invariants (e.g TODO friends??) # benefit is that you don't have to do anything special and users code wouldn't fail # downside is that it's easy to miss errors? # returning Union[Result, Exception] # downside: no standard method of processing such things in python # if user forgets to handle Exception, they would end up with more exceptions which is arguably more annoying? # on the other hand, if you got exception and # the only minor annoyance is mypy? # annoying to force user to han # upside is that static checkers assist you with that (e.g. isinstance(x, Exception)) # TODO could also export Exception/Error type? # best of two worlds? # 'strict' -- throw all errors? requires assistance from TODO; error=None # 'defensive' -- sets up error=attribute? # 'return' -- TODO return exceptions? # TODO defensive
¶STRT [C] Like helm but for Android? thinkphonepkm
Run custom command so it could support grep, ripgrep or whatever
¶TODO [C] would be cool to visualise dtypes after running numpy? thinkviznumpy
¶TODO [C] Tweet from jestem króliczkiem (@karlicoss), at Sep 20, 01:17 thinkkeyboardui
@hillelogram had similar thoughts lately; on the other hand implementing right bindings/keyboard navigation patterns is quite hard from the developer's perspective. I wish there was something like html DOM for desktop/phone applications, then 3rd party devs could enhance existing software
¶TODO [C] Dsl could be a good way to learn a new declarative language? thinkdslpython
E.g. you could compensate with code for something you couldn't do in dsl
¶STRT [C] Dropbox missed opportunity for local first apps thinkmalleable
¶[C] hmm, what if conversations evolve horizontally, not vertically? e.g. on top you have a stack of previous conversations displayed think
¶TODO [C] try to infer statistical properties from explicit solving on quantum computer? thinkquantumsimulate
¶TODO [C] browser extension for 'curated' lightweight internet think
e.g. strip off unnecessary images and javascript , make CSS denser and more informative, etc
¶TODO [C] Start publishing some of my stuff. Maybe start with reddit comments thinkpostprivacy
¶TODO [C] dunno about sunk cost thinktoblogsoftware
maybe there is no sunk cost here.
- writing up something: X days
- polishing for othe people: 2X days (feels like comparable number of days!! if not more!)
- documenting: X days
¶TODO [C] yield in two places in code: splitting iterator by predicate thinkideaspythonyield
def split(it: Iterator[X], predicate: X -> bool) -> (Iterator[X], Iterator[X]):
passed = slot()
failed = slot()
for i in it:
if predicate(x):
yield into passed
yield into failed
return passed, failed
not sure if that's very self consistent…
e.g. when we iterate over returned passed – how to iteratoe over failed as well
although could just treat
but how to transform this syntactically?
¶STRT wonder if it can be rewritten with coroutines thinkideaspythonyield
¶ similar idea: groupby fully on iterators thinkideaspythonyield
def groupby(it: Iterator[X], key: X -> Y) -> Iterator[Iterator[X]]:
last = None
groups = slot()
group = slot()
def flush():
nonlocal group, last
if last is not None:
yield group into groups
group = slot()
last = None
for i in it:
if last is not None and key(last) != key(i):
yield i into group
last = i
'return' groups # more like yield from?
items = [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 2]
predicate = lambda x: x
for git in groupby(items, predicate):
count = 0
for i in git:
if i % 2 == 1:
count += 1
if count > 0:
¶ it's kinda like ( ) generator syntax; but not inline thinkideaspythonyield
¶ def looks like coroutines thinkideaspythonyield
¶TODO [C] So, I really wanna live forever? think
Try to find an answer why? Why do I want to remove all this physical routine from my life? What do I do instead?
¶TODO [C] Riot | Malleable Systems Collective thinktotweet
The physical objects around us have aspects, e.g. size, weight, temperature, fragility, stiffness. They are very macroscopic, continuous and stable properties, so easy to experiment with and reason about. That's also why it is somewhat flexible and possible combine and use in novel ways.
¶TODO [C] RSS reader would be a perfect fit for app over syncthing? thinkrss
¶TODO [C] People i admire think
¶TODO [C] Hamiltonian for computation thinkcomputingphysics
¶[C] Nick Cammarata on Twitter: "After hearing about friends having great experiences treating GPT-3 as a therapist I tried it myself and 5 minutes in oh my god it goes straight for the throat I feel so seen" / Twitter think
After hearing about friends having great experiences treating GPT-3 as a therapist I tried it myself and 5 minutes in oh my god it goes straight for the throat I feel so seen
¶TODO [C] thread on quantum computation and errors? thinktotweettoblog
(1 0) – spin up, (0 1) – spin down
quantum gates – a thing can only evolve according to schrodinger's equation
(analogy to ordinary gates?)
δ t – gate only acts over Hamiltonian (???), it means inherent error?
¶TODO [C] If it waas my last day what would i do? thinkmindmeditation
¶TODO [C] jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "@gwern (somewhat ironically) that page does have ids set on divs, but no visible paragraph anchors, I referred to that section specifically:" / Twitter thinkcodingpkm
chrome addon to display div ids?
¶TODO [C] dependent types for typing pandas/numpy tensor operations would be so great thinkpython
¶TODO [C] discuss cambria think
- dependent types/property testing for verifying lenses
- supply javascript code for migration, and send as part of data. execute in a sandbox. kind of like event streams??
- even if you can't squeeze everything into that paradigm, maybe 80% would be a great improvement.
kind of like ADTs are awesome and even though not everything can be ADT, representing most of your data as such is a massive improvement
¶STRT [C] experiment with lazy values thinkpython
from functools import lru_cache class lazy: def __init__(self, factory): self.factory = factory @lru_cache(1) def _inst(self): return self.factory() def __getattribute__(self, key): print(key) # return getattr(self._inst(), key, value) l = lazy(lambda: {'a': 'xxx'}) l.test len(l) print(getattr(l, '__iter__')) for x in l: print(x)
¶[C] Joe Rogan Experience 1350 - Nick Bostrom - YouTube think
simulation bugs must be fucking annoying – in real programs program states are often very hacky and arbitrary even from the outside, let alone how hard would it be to grasp from within inside
¶[C] Ben Goertzel: Artificial General Intelligence | AI Podcast #103 with Lex Fridman - YouTube thinktotweet
is it moral to jump on a spacecraft near the speed of light and come back when infinite life extension is possible?
the dilemma is – someone got to. if everyone jumps on the ships to cheat death, they'd all have the same flow of time relative to each other
in a way, fastforwarding time is a privilege?
¶ or could use a black hole? thinktotweet
¶[C] David S. on Twitter: "@BartoszMilewski Penrose diagram for a black hole. Light rays travel at 45 deg. Once you pass the horizon then doomed to hit the singularity, but you will still see your feet (F->H light ray). Some other observer outside the horizon cannot see your feet after they pass the event horizon." / Twitter think
hmm so I guess your body could be 109m long and it wouldn't matter because you can only see past signals anyway (and you'll cross the event horizon faster?) basically your body is your lightcone, so the side doesn't matter, and the mind is pointlike (in GR you either have the same observer, or different, and it's kind of discrete in that sense)
I wonder what it means for a distributed system of neurons as it's passing through the events horizon though? Although it'll have a local update limit (irrelevant to speed of light, more of signal propagation rate), wonder what it would sense
¶ although maybe nothing would happen? Signals move just fine whatever the direction think
¶TODO [C] generator with fixed number of items thinkmypy
would be sort of cool for 'parallel' processing of heterogenous functions etc, dunno
¶ tricky to type properly because of yield from? thinkmypy
¶TODO [D] ml grind fineness detector thinkideascoffee
¶[D] Reduction of NPC problems to some funny NPC games thinkgamecs
¶[D] Graph problem: mark a subset of tree's vertices if after visiting a vertex, it's color is inverted think
¶[D] grammar equivalence for some CFG classes think
¶[D] global minimum quantum algorithm think
¶[D] agda recursion theorem, computability theorems think
¶[D] Halt decidable finite thinkcs
¶[D] нейронные сети клеточный автомат think
¶[D] Constructive QM think
¶[D] Logic of cauchy real numbers, optimizing calculations think
¶TODO [D] latex types, dimensions and scopes thinktypes
¶TODO [D] automatic ledger style parsing thinkparsing
wonder if this could be achieved via ML?
training set – plaintext, result is a tree, without any special meaning, just with tokens? or transformed tokens
¶TODO [D] could use pushift for reddit pingback? thinkreddit
¶TODO [D] some sort of automatic rosetta stone to write code in python and then translate? thinkpythoninteropelisp
¶[D] tweet Хочу интерактивный шелл, в который я буду кормить описание, а метку можно было бы ставить одной кнопочкой. thinkml
¶[E] Dynamic graph diameter think
¶TODO Maybe the bubbles are not a problem per se. What is problematic olis that its much harder to bubble physically think
¶ wtf??? what bubbles?? think
¶TODO jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "debug logs are annoying when you're not, well, debugging, on then one hand. On the other hand, quite useful since they give a sense of progress. Tried to get the best of both worlds in Promnesia by collapsing subsequent logs (only if they have DEBUG level). Ended up pretty nice!" / Twitter thinkpython
so I wonder if it should be an external tool. Kinda like "tail -f" + watch, but aware of certain keywords (e.g. DEBUG/INFO/ERROR in my case)
¶TODO SF where general purpose programming is 'forbidden'? thinkbook
you still can make a computer and try to program it, but you can't achieve anything without a community
¶TODO godbolt for dna thinkdna
¶DONE [C] WIP branch in workout provider on nicer parsing thinkexerciseqs
¶actually, it's a pretty interesting and more general problem – how to easily parse semi structured natural language? thinkexerciseqs
so things are a mix of regular grammar and just some extractors. think about it.
¶ had few interesting thoughts there in comments thinkexerciseqs
¶STRT [C] simulate musical instruments with interesting boundary conditions … thinkideasmusicsimquitartoblog
¶TODO [C] Concurrency testing tool thinkconcurrencyprogramming
Could check it on examples from this dragon slaying game
¶TODO [C] Federated timeline for twitter – could implement by myself? thinkmastodontwitter
¶STRT [C] Python pattern matching thinkpython
¶TODO python bindings in ideas/ thinkpython
¶ eh, perhaps isinstance + would actually be better. perhaps .untie method as well (also can be mypy assisted) thinkpython
¶TODO wonder if 3.10 proposal renders it obsolete? thinkpython
¶TODO [D] implement bindings to import simple objects as python? convert datetimes on the fly, maybe? thinkpythonhaskellrustffi
¶TODO [C] better inspector for python objects, kinda like here thinkpythonideas
¶TODO [C] picker for 'entries' via CSS – wonder how much of chrome API I could reuse. could also look at page in Iframe and present list of things extracted think
¶[C] Error thing which still has a fallback date (and wraps original type), I feel it's pretty common thinkdatetime
¶TODO undocumented untyped systems are kind of ok if you have a responsive repl? thinkrepltypes
¶TODO [D] Using Portia to make spiders - YouTube thinkinspiration
Portia uses Scrapy project and enable users to make annotations in webpages. Then users can do crawlers for these webpages.
hmm, interesting, could use that for RSS extractor thingy? although common ancestor thing might be easier:
basically go up until you meet
¶STRT [C] x thinkmoneyubi
Hm. I guess money, to an extent, is a motivation for unpleasant work?
E.g. once we solve basic needs with UBI, someone will have to for example, assemble computers.. or program them (also kind of unpleasant work?)
Agree it would be way better off, but I'm not sure that 'profit motive' will go away. Money is not just luxury, it's also a distributed computation of the utility (somewhat flawed, sometimes very flawed, but still), and also a means of getting resources.
¶TODO [B] we will probably part ways? thinktotweetcomputing
people who want open, interoperable and malleable worlds while potentially trading some security
people who want (need?) to be locked in and nannied by the big corporations etc