
Exobrain: building and inspiration

Table of Contents

[A] * motivation exobrain

TODO There are lots of cool links which I might never get to explore exobrain

CREATED: [2020-03-27]

However I did spend time 'curating' them, so perhaps they could serve as a kick off point for someone else

TODO [B] why? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-04-26]

delegate link processing to the outside world. Maybe someone runs into them and gets inspired #extendedmind

TODO [C] basically explain, which stuff I maintain and which stuff I keep as a dump. seems like a good compromise exobrain

CREATED: [2020-07-22]

TODO [C] [2020-04-13] Tanami/websights: Just a personal web directory of stuff that I want to keep in my head. exobrain

my theory: all people eventually reach the point where they accrue enough debris that it becomes necessary to distribute it in order to move forward with their thinking

yes, so much this

STRT [B] so I want a personal wiki similar to what Nikita Voloboev got, but with org-mode exobrainblogpkm

CREATED: [2019-12-02]

gitbook has got nice almost realtime search but only supports markdown. also they are not open source?

https://github.com/qdot/org-gitbook – weird thing, split my headings into different pages
had to package-install ox-gfm first

  • [2019-12-02] dunno, maybe starting with single page with links dump (sorted by tags then date?) and that wouldn't even require index?
    ignore priorities at first?
  • [2019-12-02] one simple thing to do would be just generating html pages (with normal emacs export?) and then running JS indexer against HTML pages? could do when blog is compiled

tedious to upgrade though, but a good start?

  • [2019-12-03] maybe, display everything as a single page, then it's easy to search?

TODO [2019-12-03] related: is there plugin for fuzzy/stemming search in firefox? exobrainblogpkmsearchbrowsers

[2021-01-16] even if it's just a very raw dump, chances are someone might run into them while googling or searching on github exobrain

[B] * current implementation exobrain

DONE [C] [2020-01-03] Mirror org-org export, It could be public, under version control and allow for privacy controls exobrainpkm

STRT [B] [2020-11-15] logseq/logseq: A privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge sharing and management. exobrainlogseq

figuring it out as an extra interface, and for the graph

STRT [B] maybe each page got main content, and then just related links/highlights below? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-02-28]

TODO [B] [2020-12-15] Emacs Org-mode: Use good header ids! exobrainblogorglinkrot

TODO [B] [2020-12-15] UOMF: Linking Headings exobrain

So I kept using :ID:.

TODO [B] def ned quick capture.. and then maybe dispatch items via tags exobrainorg

CREATED: [2020-12-30]

TODO [C] need to support self tags in TOC? when I specify custom TOC header they don't seem to work, shit. exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-06]

TODO [C] do not emit empty <tag> and nbsp?? exobrainorg

CREATED: [2021-01-03]

[C] trying to use org-ql, but not sure if it's that good for tag cloud exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-02]

maybe useful for tag summaries?

'--directory', root_dir / 'src/org-ql',
'--directory', root_dir / 'src/ts.el',
'--directory', root_dir / 'src/peg',
'--eval', f'''
(message "%s" (org-ql "{input_dir}/memex.org" "memex"))

TODO [C] scrolling org-mode into active in the sidebar exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-02]

from mdbook

// Scroll sidebar to current active section
var activeSection = document.getElementById("sidebar").querySelector(".active");
if (activeSection) {
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/scrollIntoView
    activeSection.scrollIntoView({ block: 'center' });

TODO [C] on tag click – search over all tags exobrain

CREATED: [2020-03-29]

TODO [C] maybe group by tags? could even do it via orgparse exobrain

CREATED: [2019-12-22]

TODO [C] output links (at least the ones with tags) to pinboard? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-05-01]

might need a two-step process for a proper diff

TODO [C] not sure what to do about filetags? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-04-02]

TODO [D] [2021-01-04] make public generated files read only? exobrain

TODO [C] maybe generate TITLE, set to filename (so logseq doesn't stumble over it) exobrainlogseqorg

CREATED: [2021-01-07]

[B] * alternative ways to build it exobrain

[C] [2019-12-22] ok, ox-hugo generates some odd artifacts, perhaps would be easier with vanilla md export exobrainblog

[C] [2020-02-14] Building a Second Brain in Roam…And Why You Might Want To : RoamResearch https://www.reddit.com/r/RoamResearch/comments/eho7de/building_a_second_brain_in_roamand_why_you_might exobrain

[D] [2020-03-11] MkDocs exobrain

hmm, looks pretty nice. wonder if it's better than mdbook

DONE [C] try publishing with dendron and publish in discord? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-11-05]

[2021-01-16] it's very cool, but similar problems to mdbook – if it's not mardown in the first plays, gonna be a lot of work to maintain org->md conversion, and nothing beats emacs exobrain

DONE [C] [2019-12-22] Markbook - A replacement for Gitbook/mdBook written in Node.js : javascript exobrain


I regarded Gitbook as a FOSS traitor, since it has all but abandoned it's open-source tool for a proprietary web app.

[2020-03-06] it's a new project, not sure what's the benefit over mdbook exobrain

TODO [C] seems that github codespaces would be perfect for it? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-09-29]

I guess I need to get rid of the filter thing? not sure. Would be nice to commit directly into my notes

WAIT [C] [2020-11-05] Org Mode - Dendron exobrain

TODO [C] export my stuff as notion database? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-05-13]

CANCEL [C] mdbook exobrain

TODO [B] [2020-03-21] Configuration - mdBook Documentation exobrain


limit-results = 15

TODO [C] [2020-06-30] remove fontawesome exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-03-07] think about using mdbook watch on beepb00p exobrain

[B] * potential features and inspiration exobrain

TODO [B] [2020-01-25] mek.fyi | Home exobrainblog

(Right click green text to enter Mek's mind map.)

huh, interesting experiment in presenting information

TODO [B] split hunks by org outlines somehow? exobraingitorg

CREATED: [2020-03-29]

TODO [B] maybe tag-based exporting? export/noexport tags for hieriarchies/whole files? let it be a mess with one huge page? exobrain

CREATED: [2019-12-04]

TODO [B] write a tool to analyse tags exobraintaggingpkm

CREATED: [2020-06-08]
  • the tags that are the most common, deserve pages
  • rest are okay to keep adhoc?
  • custom agendas for tags (top level only?)
  • search is really important..

TODO [B] [2020-05-12] Tweet from @RobertHaisfield https://twitter.com/RobertHaisfield/status/1259990930917953537 exobrain

@RobertHaisfield: @azlenelza I love how you differentiate external from internal links. Very frustrating in other digital gardens to accidentally leave

TODO [B] graph view: need an ability to 'pin' certain nodes to improve graph rendering? exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-07]

TODO [C] add link to the source on each page?? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-03-29]

TODO [C] links to featured exobrain items? exobrainblog

CREATED: [2020-12-29]

TODO [C] instead of todo states, maybe color the first letter(s)? exobrainblog

CREATED: [2020-12-28]

TODO [C] how to add redirects for moved stuff? exobrainlinkrot

CREATED: [2020-03-29]

TODO [C] could expose cloudmacs instance?? exobraincloudmacs

CREATED: [2020-03-29]

TODO [C] [2021-01-16] hmm not sure what to do about long and short titles (LOGSEQTITLE things). maybe it should be a toggle or something exobrainlogseq

TODO [C] build custom agendas? that way, easy to make tag views exobrainorg

CREATED: [2020-03-13]

TODO [C] [2020-10-16] Full introduction to Gkroam, up to version v2.3.7, no voice /r/orgmode exobrain

TODO [C] [2019-12-17] Notes - Gwern.net https://www.gwern.net/Notes exobrainsearch

ask gwern if inability to search in collapsed notes bothers him?

TODO [C] if I add wiki-style links, hide them by default, but show on some hotkey? exobrainblog

CREATED: [2021-01-04]

TODO [C] [2020-05-03] 🔮Pensieve - Pensieve exobrain

huh, emojis in TOC are quite nice actually?

TODO [D] Tweet from @nikitavoloboev exobrain

CREATED: [2020-06-12]
@nikitavoloboev: Put in my wiki in @obsdmd and it results in a neat graph of connections.

DONE [A] Implement incremental search, backed by some indexer? exobrainsearch

CREATED: [2019-07-13]

[C] * other's exobrains exobrain

TODO [A] [2020-08-06] Home exobrainorg

STRT [B] [2020-02-21] Andy Matuschak's Public Notes exobrain

[2020-03-12] hmm, no notes? odd.. exobrain

TODO [B] [2020-08-20] Things and Stuff Wiki exobrain

Things and Stuff Wiki - An organically evolving personal wiki knowledge base

whoa, nice tag cloud on the top

STRT [B] [2020-05-06] Notes ‒ Szymon Kaliski nice backlink summary exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-03-05] Tom Critchlow. Move. Think. Create. exobrain

[2020-04-08] tomcritchlow/tomcritchlow.github.io: Me. Learning to use Github and learning to live life. https://github.com/tomcritchlow/tomcritchlow.github.io exobrain

Me. Learning to use Github and learning to live life. http://tomcritchlow.com

TODO [C] [2020-04-02] davidseah/knowledgebank exobrain

[C] [2020-03-22] nice, they've got wiki.. https://wiki.mindey.com/ exobrain

also pretty cool, wiki links onto blog pages – wonder if I should do it..

[C] [2020-01-10] Show your personal websites | Lobsters https://lobste.rs/s/b7lt29/show_your_personal_websites exobrainideas

My Idea wiki, First written in Erlang, but now in Nim. The Erlang version birthed a simplistic site style that I’ve used a lot in other web app projects. The wiki software behind this site also powers

TODO [C] [2020-12-07] Simon Willison: TIL exobrain

Simon Willison: TIL

[C] [2020-08-26] barrucadu's memos exobrain

looks nice. .

[C] [2020-05-12] Notes ‒ Szymon Kaliski exobrain

STRT [C] [2019-10-17] Jethro's Braindump https://braindump.jethro.dev/ exobrain

Here lies my exobrain, which started circa 2017. I study about Computer Science, but anything I find noteworthy goes in here. I try to cite as often as I can, but that practice only started recently.

[C] [2019-12-02] wayanjimmy/notebook: Personal notes https://github.com/wayanjimmy/notebook exobrain

[C] [2020-05-12] About these notes azlen exobrain

TODO [C] [2019-12-28] Personal Notes exobrain


This repository is my knowledge base. I'm using it to remember things and to let my mind interact with yours. Feel free to open issues and pull requests!

STRT [C] [2020-01-13] Wiki workflow - Everything I know exobrain

TODO [B] [2020-04-26] would be so damn cool to connect all of these in some sort of search engine? exobrainsearchagora

I'd rather have my search engine to look over these first

[D] [2020-04-21] ExoBrain | Jibran Kalia exobrain

DONE [C] jethrokuan/braindump: knowledge repository managed with org-mode and org-roam. https://github.com/jethrokuan/braindump exobrain

CREATED: [2020-02-16]

STRT [A] [2020-01-30] davidgasquez/handbook: 📚 Personal bits of knowledge. exobrain

DONE [B] [2020-01-01] dvogt23/notes: 📔 knowledge exobraingermaninspiration

[2020-01-25] ok, not very comprehensive, but nice as an example? exobraingermaninspiration

TODO [B] [2020-01-25] mek.fyi | Home exobraininspiration


Right click green text to enter Mek's mind map.

TODO [C] barrucadu's memos - Self exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-01-24] Wiki Index exobrain

[D] [2019-12-23] wayanjimmy/notebook: Personal notes/knowledge base exobrain

STRT [C] [2020-03-24] 0oo exobrain


Bug report
Light Off
Space to Think
Understand the world. Discover goals, ideas, projects. Write feedback.

[2020-06-03] damn, that seems fascinating on the second glance exobrain

TODO [B] [2019-12-05] Yoshiki 義樹 on Twitter: "@neauoire @hundredrabbits @visakanv Just found @gordonbrander's patterns page. Personally loving the small pages with clear, focused writing and evocative titles, deeply interconnected, with backlinks for context - it feels like "pure knowledge". This is a lot of fun to get lost in! https://t.co/fxDTQd56zY https://t.co/Y6lxBxAS1D" / Twitter exobrainpkm


Just found @gordonbrander's  patterns page.
Personally loving the small pages with clear, focused writing and evocative titles, deeply interconnected, with backlinks for context - it feels like "pure knowledge".

TODO [C] [2020-12-02] barrucadu's memos exobrain

read through their weeknotes

[D] ExoBrain | Jibran Kalia exobrain

STRT [C] [2020-10-18] Wiki - Contents exobrain

cool wiki, by this person

[C] * content to add exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-06-03] publish my subscriptions as org-mode exobrainrssorger

DONE [B] most 'imporant' tweets def make sense exobrain

CREATED: [2019-11-21]

you can't easily sort person's timeline even by objective metrics. let alone picking the tweets that more or less define you

[C] * publicity exobrain

TODO publish on org-mode reddit maybe with some highlights exobrainoutbox

CREATED: [2021-01-02]

TODO [C] about my simple search? exobrainsearchtoblog

CREATED: [2021-01-03]

DONE [2020-12-31] ok, so lunr.js seems like the best alternative exobrainsearch

has (builtin?) highlights, and the linked example looks fairly simple. it still baffles me how hard it is

TODO [B] think about integrating other people's exobrains? exobrainextendedmind

CREATED: [2020-03-12]

[2021-01-16] someone started thinking about it! https://anagora.org exobrainextendedmindagora

TODO [C] [2019-08-18] How to add full text search to your website - Dev Channel - Medium exobrainblogsearch

TODO [C] update my-awesome-list occasionally exobrainblog

CREATED: [2018-11-23]

wonder if some sort of cat (or use references instead)
mention bookmark archiver as smth that is used for checking url integrity?

[C] [2020-03-06] rust-lang/mdBook: Create book from markdown files. Like Gitbook but implemented in Rust exobrainlinkrot

linkcheck - a backend which will check that all links are valid

TODO [C] [2019-12-07] The Sad State of Personal Knowledgebases | Hacker News https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10739227 exobrainpkm

[2019-12-07] The Sad State of Personal Knowledgebases http://marcusvorwaller.com/blog/2015/12/14/personal-knowledgebases/ exobrainpkm

TODO [C] [2020-05-17] Andy Matuschak on Twitter: "Software interfaces undervalue peripheral vision! (a thread) My physical space is full of subtle cues. Books I read or bought most recently are lying out. Papers are lying in stacks on my desk, roughly arranged by their relationships. https://t.co/ee7lo0mdLv" / Twitter exobrainvrthink

[D] [2020-03-22] https://merveilles.town/@maxdeviant/103863978808052366 pkm repo exobrain

TODO [D] failed attempt to convert heading + link on the next line (after Grasp) into proper org-mode links exobrainorg

CREATED: [2020-04-04]
(defun alala ()
  (let ((res (om-parse-headline-at (point))))
    (om-headline-set-title! "SUP" nil res)
    (message "%s %s" (point) res)))

;; (om-headline-set-title! "SUP" nil res)

I don't know wtf is wrong. I don't get how to extract title from the note. (om-get-property :title res) returns some irrelevant shit

related: exobrainorgblogpkm

TODO maybe embed my blog posts in this graph? e.g. give them different weight or something exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-09]

TODO hmm. if I manage to somehow 'fix' some heavy nodes in place (e.g. in corners), it might be pretty approachable. or maybe addinge more repulsive force would do it anyway exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

TODO when exporting and link isn't wrapped, strip away protocol and wrap it? not sure if whould do it in org->org or org->html stage (latter is prob easier) exobrainorg

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

TODO reduce font size for h. tags not sure there is much point in having them bigger, bold is enough exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

TODO encode links to base64? so ids are possible to decode? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

TODO custom colors for certain nodes (sort of featured. maybe control by tags, but start with just config) exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-21]

TODO pages construct of two parts? the top is maintained and curated, the bottom is chaotic notes that haven't been properly processed yet? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-21]

[C] [2020-05-04] org-mode support? · Issue #1183 · rust-lang/mdBook exobrain

I'd be happy to mentor you through the process and review code

[B] [2020-06-13] What do I mean by node? exobrain

good explanation

[C] [2019-12-07] knowledge/wiki-workflow.md at c978beb37bc769a9925fa6664ed9a4f3be183697 · nikitavoloboev/knowledge exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-01-01] RichardLitt/meta-knowledge: 💡 A list of knowledge repositories exobrainpublish

[2020-01-17] later when I publish my org-mode sources exobrainpublish

TODO [C] [2020-12-31] yeraydiazdiaz/lunr.py: A Python implementation of Lunr.js 🌖 exobrain

[2020-12-31] how to get the positions of the term matches · Issue #96 · weixsong/elasticlunr.js exobrain

ugh. not possible?

TODO [C] [2021-01-02] The Org Manual exobrain

TODO [C] [2020-12-27] Digital-Garden/ideas.md at 1cee3b97439a9d9fb1ae30d8c14dbb7ac32280ad · hrwtech/Digital-Garden exobrainideas

collect all ideas repos and search over them?
basically, add to a private search engine thing

[2021-01-22] related exobrainideasagora

[2020-12-28] emacs - Assign IDs to every entry in Org-mode - Stack Overflow exobrain

ugh. not sure about this way… at least it's gonna be deterministic then

STRT [D] [2021-01-23] graph exobrainlogseq

  • repulsive force: charges (forceManyBody)
    • distanceMin is interesting (e.g. set to 1000000). pushes unrelated stuff far, but it ends up clumping
    • distanecMax – if I lower it, it ends up clumping + some circular artifacts (although they might be intesting too!)
    • strenght: setting to something like -400 effectively has the same effect as default zoom? they are just a bit more spread apart
      ok, -200 is good enough
  • attractive force: forceLink

    return 1 / Math.min(count[link.source.index], count[link.target.index]);
    • defaultStrenght: low value makes it appear like a blob
    • defaultStrength: smth like 10 completely breaks the simulation?
    • changing min to max results in 'leafy' nodes pushed very far apart
    • adding Math.pow(count, 2) – weird. I guess pow has similar effect and reduces the force effectively
    • changing distance to large values – again, weird cicrular artifacts??
      I guess it's sort of an 'expected distance'? and at some point it's dominated by the repulsion anyway. default 30 is good enough

TODO [C] [2020-12-16] My tier list of interesting YouTube channels - Tristan Hume exobrain

TODO need refile to inherit parent tag? definitely makes sense for exobrain refiles exobrainorg

CREATED: [2021-01-24]

TODO wtf? priorities are displayed in the graph now? exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-24]

for now, suppressing in the config…

TODO [C] I guess sibling tags have a bigger weight than parent tags (and especially filetags?) exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-01-24]

e.g. sometimes file has a filetag, but a task is there because it's related for example to exobrain.
but then it's gonna link the while filetag with the exobrain, which is somewhat misleading

STRT [A] move in old drafts from blog drafts exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-24]

TODO [2020-04-03] maybe sort by priority/date on export? or specify sort order in properties exobrain

TODO processing process exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-24]
  • use org-ql-search summary (e.g. broken down by tags)
  • if it doesn't belong anywhere, refile to the same file so it 'sinks', esp. useful with 'misc' files

STRT [C] I'm a bit fan of tags. I think it first started around 2012? I got annoyed about not being able to place a bookmark under a single subfolder. blah blah pinboard exobraintoblogself

CREATED: [2018-11-27]

[2019-10-08] perhaps it belongs in personal wiki category? and organizing information? exobraintoblogself

[2019-10-08] two separate directories. (notes/zim) zim is more like knowledge archive, it's more structred. notes are more chaotic and generally a giant todo list exobraintoblogself

STRT [C] Summarise things that interest me via org tags exobrain

CREATED: [2019-02-01]

That's also an example of how can I use porg

TODO right, seems that async/background export still uses only one process :( exobrainorg

CREATED: [2021-01-26]

TODO move ideas page into exobrain exobrainblog

CREATED: [2021-01-26]

TODO need to jack in public stuff like twitter/hypothesis/reddit/hackernews? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-10]

also how to post-process stuff post-factum? I guess need a way to assign meta-data to stuff.. ugh
maybe need to generate uid as a property…. simple

TODO [D] snapshot every month and plot an animation for the graph? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-22]

TODO [C] post an announcement exobraintoblog

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

TODO [C] maybe add a keybinding to force clean? this would make it much easier, won't have to rerun anything exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-27]

TODO demonstrate how I wanted to learn physics & be a bit more healthy and over qs, pkm etc it grew into the clusterfuck which is in the middle exobraintoblogoutbox

CREATED: [2021-01-20]
  • some of my oldest notes are on category theory, quantum physics etc. etc (demonstrate some old notes?)
  • same with qs (demonstrate some stats form 2015?)

TODO [C] How to force crawlers to process it? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-20]

[C] [2021-01-23] Force directed graph: custom forces - Tom Roth exobrainbloginspiration

Or maybe you want to utilise your node and link attributes to change the sizes of some nodes over time. You’d use a custom force.

nice indication of links (via background)

STRT [C] [2021-01-30] Getting Started - IndieWeb exobrain

TODO [C] [2021-01-06] garden/exobrain.md at 69fe163b30a00e76e3eb8637c97fa86ac0fb2a9e · flancian/garden exobrain

[C] [2021-01-23] vasturiano/react-force-graph: React component for 2D, 3D, VR and AR force directed graphs exobrain

Click to expand/collapse nodes (source)

wow, this might really be useful

TODO [C] export state changes (esp. with comments?) exobrainorg

CREATED: [2021-01-31]

TODO sync with #pinboard? should be super easy now with inherited tags…. exobrainpinboard

CREATED: [2021-02-06]

STRT [B] [2020-12-30] Agora exobrain

TODO [B] "dragging nodes pins them in fixed position" exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-30]

add a note that it's convenient to explore the graph
also need to add link to main exobrain (for now just share it alongside)
mention mess & slowness

TODO [C] notion interface/remnote interface? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-31]

TODO [C] would be nice to highlight actual text (e.g. difference color for property drawers, markup etc) exobrain

CREATED: [2021-01-31]

TODO [A] interaction: "Do you know about X? Have you seen/heard of X?" exobrain

CREATED: [2021-02-07]

can be answered instantly without waiting for my response!
again, it's not that removing 'real' interaction is the point, so I'm happy to answer anyway. But it can lead the person to ask a more specific question, for example.

TODO [B] ok, def need a proper exobrain agenda with all high prio todo/strt items exobrain

CREATED: [2021-02-07]

TODO [C] things that became evident exobraintotweet

CREATED: [2021-02-02]
  • need more toggles/dimension adjustment/graph distance etc etc
  • and… need to be decoupled from a specific app

TODO [C] [2021-02-11] #🧠-v2-personal exobrain

danieldToday at 7:35 AM
There is certainly beauty in randomness.

How about an option which presents you a visualisation of a set of random connections in the daily notes (as a link to a new data visualisation page)? Maybe with options to turn on and off certain branches of thought (in cases you are working on something specific). This way you get your daily inspiration right in your daily notes (or you can turn it off if you don't like it).

Ultimately, it would be very unique if these random connections also generate a page with all block and page references to the visualised links. Basically you forgo the problem of an empty page, not knowing where to start.

I am a Social Scientist and my daily bread and butter is to synthesise knowledge, reproduce it, change it and generate new knowledge. However, most importantly, use that knowledge to have an impact in non-academic contexts (where it matters the most, I think).
Jeff Tang 🏛Today at 8:51 AM
I was especially thinking about making a Twitter-like feed for mobile, to explore random blocks @danield

TODO [B] need to make sure there is no "export" tag, otherwise it'll exclude the rest of the file exobrain

CREATED: [2021-03-03]

TODO [B] [2021-02-14] Marcin Ignac on Twitter: "I'm fascinated by @andymatuschak digital garden of his notes at https://t.co/G9PQ1UaIeq. At the same time i'm disappointed by the tools available to navigate those kind of information spaces. So here is quick thread how I got from the hairball graph to a readable concept map 1/5 https://t.co/rEZhDRpQP5" / Twitter exobrain

I'm fascinated by @andy_matuschak
 digital garden of his notes at http://notes.andymatuschak.org. At the same time i'm disappointed by the tools available to navigate those kind of information spaces. So here is quick thread how I got from the hairball graph to a readable concept map 1/5

[2021-02-14] whoa, need to go through athens discord to figure it out… https://discord.com/channels/708122962422792194/708156396906086468 exobrain

TODO [C] hmm. use external git repo that commits evey minute? it would track changes automatically and solve all of my timestamp issues? exobrainorgmode

CREATED: [2020-12-06]

TODO [C] 404 page, suggest to search or look on github history exobrain

CREATED: [2021-03-12]

TODO [A] principle: as much as possible should be public exobrain

CREATED: [2021-03-16]

TODO [C] Use cdots in toc to indicate level? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-03-11]

TODO [A] Need a link to homepage.. exobrainblog

CREATED: [2021-03-11]

TODO [C] [2021-03-13] Fabien Benetou's PIM | Site / AllRecentChanges exobrain

recent changes is nice…
but gonna be tricky with org-mode
maybe enough to generate a view sorted by timestamps

TODO [D] need to render todo state changes exobrain

CREATED: [2021-04-11]

STRT [B] generate tag summaries to eliminate the least common? exobrain

CREATED: [2020-05-20]

TODO [B] use staging area for autodeployments? exobrain

CREATED: [2021-02-15]

TODO [B] mention about people exobrain

CREATED: [2021-02-11]

I try to be reasonable, e.g. I won't post private conversations without conscent, but might link to a conversation on twitter. If you'd rather that I don't, please don't hesitate me know – I'll move it away from public exobrain, no gripes? strings??

TODO [B] [2021-05-13] Connect your tools to Notion with the API exobrain

TODO [C] use first alias/roamalis as logseq title? not sure exobrainlogseq

CREATED: [2021-05-19]

TODO [C] [2021-05-16] Flancia! on Twitter: "@karlicoss up to you; I think it would be nice if the links worked and led to your site? although I did see some longer ToCs that might not flow well in the context of other notes" / Twitter exobrainagora

up to you; I think it would be nice if the links worked and led to your site? although I did see some longer ToCs that might not flow well in the context of other notes
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